Massive FBI Scandal?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
RINO Gowdy at it again on Face the Nation.


Well-Known Member
I'd be very surprised if those hard drives couldn't be read.

I think most of the evidence on Clinton is well known and while damaging, Gowdy and others know it wouldn't go anywhere. Better to have the "33000 email" refrain for bashing Clinton.

Which of course has nothing to do with Trumps shady dealings.

The hot sauce in the purse routine must have really impressed you.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Its probably already been said here somewhere but, the FISA judge was placed in his position in May 2016 by president Obama. Two months later he approves warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.


Staff member
Its probably already been said here somewhere but, the FISA judge was placed in his position in May 2016 by president Obama. Two months later he approves warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.
You mean Papadopolous? Because he was blabbing to an Australian diplomat?