So our center had a light day last week. I was sent out with 4.5 hours of deliveries plus pickups at the end of the day. My dispatcher and sup knew I only had 50 stops (my regular is 100+), and didn't instruct me to help anyone. I was under the impression everyone in my group was as light. I ended up having 1.5 hours of downtime after my lunch break. The next day I'm talking to my neighboring driver and he said he ended up punching out at 7pm that day. I felt bad for him, knowing that I could have helped him out. My sup didn't mention anything to me about my downtime the following day, but later in the afternoon I got a message that I'm needed in the office the following morn. I'm assuming it's due to the lack of production. I'm going to reiterate what I've outlined here during the meeting. Does anyone have any helpful tips?