Meaningless Fluff


That’s Craptacular
Believe it or not I know the letters on the keyboard, from typing class in high school. Yes I said typing class! No computers in those days. A S D friend G H J K L
well believe it or not....computers weren't really in my school until the end of my high school career. So, I learned typing the same as you...typewriter baby lol. But I'm kinda blind without my i don't get more off routes is beyond me lol.

Signature Only

Blue in Brown

DSO Ready.
Bombardier Ready.

Bomb Fusing Master Safety On.
Electronic-Barometric-Time And Impact

Fuse For Ground Burst
Delay Factor Yellow 3

Bomb Fusing Circuits 1 Thru 4 test
Bomb Arming Circuits Test Lights On 1 Thru 4

Engage Primary Trigger Switch Override

Track Indicator To Maximum Deflection

Detonator Set To Zero Altitude

Release 1st Safety

​Release 2nd Safety


Squeaky Wheel
Meaningful fluff: