Meaningless Fluff

Billy Ray

God, help us all.....


Please come back. We can go to DQ together.
Anything you want; I'm buying.


Well-Known Member
ONG, I suggest that you tell your online spouse that she went WAY over the line yesterday. I gave her a chance to edit her post and delete the offensive cartoon---she declined---so she deserves everything that she is about to get.

Joking is one thing. I have no problem with good natured ribbing. This was clearly not good natured ribbing.
ONG, I suggest that you tell your online spouse that she went WAY over the line yesterday. I gave her a chance to edit her post and delete the offensive cartoon---she declined---so she deserves everything that she is about to get.

Joking is one thing. I have no problem with good natured ribbing. This was clearly not good natured ribbing.
You said far worse to many others.

Can't believe you got your panties all bunched up.


nowhere special
ONG, I suggest that you tell your online spouse that she went WAY over the line yesterday. I gave her a chance to edit her post and delete the offensive cartoon---she declined---so she deserves everything that she is about to get.

Joking is one thing. I have no problem with good natured ribbing. This was clearly not good natured ribbing.

You did post that you could take it as long as it wasn't about family.

Apparently not.


golden ticket member
ONG, I suggest that you tell your online spouse that she went WAY over the line yesterday. I gave her a chance to edit her post and delete the offensive cartoon---she declined---so she deserves everything that she is about to get.

Joking is one thing. I have no problem with good natured ribbing. This was clearly not good natured ribbing.
Like Johnny Cash....I Walk The Line!

Orion inc.

I like turtles
ONG, I suggest that you tell your online spouse that she went WAY over the line yesterday. I gave her a chance to edit her post and delete the offensive cartoon---she declined---so she deserves everything that she is about to get.

Joking is one thing. I have no problem with good natured ribbing. This was clearly not good natured ribbing.

Apparently you can't. You have to cry to the mods to put everyone on ignore.

Your credibility on here is gone and lacking. You're a hypocrite that can't take criticism and cries to authority when people call you out.

You've become pathetic but even worse, you've become irrelevant on here.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
I never said a word to any of the mods.

oh I'm sure you did. Because someone else hit a nerve with you yesterday and you cry when you get called out on your crap by those you can't intimidate and bully.

It's how you work on BC Dave.

And that's why everyone should know you have no actual credibility to say anything to anyone else

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Send @cheryl a PM if you don't believe me.
you know I don't put anyone on ignore because I'm the type that believes in all points of the conversation. And I have very thick skin so things don't get to me. I like to see all points even ones I know I'll disagree with.

You on the other hand, act like a bully when you are proven wrong and cry when others call you out. You can't take criticism or your own treatment. Most narrcistic people can't.

This has you written all over it. You're that type of guy.