Meaningless Fluff

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Send @cheryl a PM if you don't believe me.
i have no desire. I don't need to run to people like that. That obviously is what you do.

I haven't been offended or upset at anything on here to involve a mod to do a force ignore.

I actually , unlike you, have a backbone and thick skin. Wasn't my fault you got upset @moreluck picture and innuendo of calling you gay or something. There is nothing wrong if you were. It's 2016. These are more accepting times


golden ticket member
Skinny girl?
Funny you should mention skinny girl. I have a full size cut-out of Betheney Frankel mounted on the wall in my garage, She stands right next to a full-size Barry Manilow. Both are from booze displays at my local store. I asked for them and they gave them to me. They both greet me as I pull into my garage. The HOA may dictate what I must have on my garage floor, but the walls are mine to have the way I want!!