The question I have always had trouble with why these buildings ?
They made several attempts to blow up only these buildings , what did they know about them that most other people didn't ?
That they were just recently OVERINSURED for BILLIONS of dollars, mostly empty and housed BILLIONS of dollars in GOLD and SILVER that would magically disappear after they were attacked.
Working with someone on the inside (USA) these were prime targets for the following reasons.
1) LOW BODY COUNT - they could have flown those planes into buildings with masses of people in manhattan, but they chose two empty buildings. The low body count still made it tragic, but not devastating.
2) INSURANCE, Larry Silverstein collected BILLIONS of dollars in insurance and nobody blinked an eye, even though he is caught on tape saying "we made the decision to pull the building" just before building 7 came down.
3) DAMAGE, the relatively small damage from the twin towers in comparison to what could have been caused by hitting newer , more occupied buildings still was enough to convince Americans to seek revenge and authorize the use of force. This was exactly what THE PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY said would happen back in 1997 before they all became cabinet members of the BUSH administration.
4) If terrorists really wanted to attack America, why chose two buildings that didnt really have any real effect in the long run?
If they had the free reign to fly for hours in our skies without interference, why not a nuclear power plant? Why not downtown Broadway? Why not the Capital building?
Why not any other major US city?
The death toll would be in the tens of thousands.
But, these "terrorists" chose mostly empty buildings.
There is no rationale for it, other than there is something more to the story that "WE" dont know.