Michelle Obama


golden ticket member
WZ has 'gathered up' stories that usually coincide to the way I view things. It's like a "one stop" shop.

It's no different that UPS employing a service to gather up all news, in all publications, about UPS.


golden ticket member
I agree--"one shot" was not the best choice of words---but for a "news" service like Weasel Zippers to pounce on this and for a reader such as yourself to take the bait hook, line and sinker was, to use your word, stupid.

"Pounce" describes DWS so much better than WZ.
The DNC head had to be told by her messiah to tone it down. She pounced on a 'slut' word, but not Tw*t and c*nt............because as we know, it depends who's saying it.


Staff member
Calling Mrs. Obama insensitive based on this quote is like claiming Mark Twain is a racist because he regularly used the "N" wor. Simply ridiculous. Context is everything.


golden ticket member
Calling Mrs. Obama insensitive based on this quote is like claiming Mark Twain is a racist because he regularly used the "N" wor. Simply ridiculous. Context is everything.
In case you haven't notice for the past 3 years the Dems have done exactly that. Palin wanting to make a cetain state a target area was for campaign purposes...........................the Dems jumped on that hysterically.

Payback's a bitch!


Strength through joy
Michelle Obama 'food desert' claim debunked in story -- by NYT?
Michelle Obama, that poor urban neighborhoods are food deserts, bereft of fresh fruits and vegetables.
But two new studies have found something unexpected. Such neighborhoods not only have more fast food restaurants and convenience stores than more affluent ones, but more grocery stores, supermarkets and full-service restaurants, too. And there is no relationship between the type of food being sold in a neighborhood and obesity among its children and adolescents.
“It is always easy to advocate for more grocery stores,” said Kelly D. Brownell, director of Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, who was not involved in the studies. “But if you are looking for what you hope will change obesity, healthy food access is probably just wishful thinking.”


Strength through joy
Food Desert Locator
While the USDA comes up with snazzy “food desert locators,” those food deserts have been grossly misdefined and improperly characterized because in defining “food deserts,” the USDA only focused on the number of chain grocery stores in a given area and completely ignored the host of small neighborhood corner stores where people in poorer zip codes could get access to healthy food.


Strength through joy
Michelle Obama Behind Misguided Attack on Ann Romney
Now the Enquirer reveals that the boneheaded Democrat strategy of attacking Ann Romney for raising her children was hatched by none other than Michelle Antoinette: Talking head Hilary Rosen set off a firestorm when she mocked Mitt Romney for relying on his wife for advice on the economy, sniping that Ann — who raised five sons, has battled breast cancer and suffers from multiple sclerosis — “never worked a day in her life!” … her fingerprints were all over the scandal, said an inside source.
“Michelle had her claws out to get Ann, but it quickly backfired and Barack was livid when he heard she had secretly directed the attack,” said the source. …
“Michelle thought Rosen, an out-of-the-closet lesbian and close pal, could be their attack dog, but she miscalculated badly by going after stay-at-home moms,” said the source.


Strength through joy
I wish she did run.
Then maybe we could all find out how she with her superior education was able to be disbarred by the courts.


golden ticket member
Par for the Obama course.

(Bloomberg) — After vowing to open more than 1,000 stores selling fresh fruit and vegetables in underserved urban neighborhoods, or “food deserts,” grocers have opened a fraction of them, putting in jeopardy Michelle Obama’s effort to improve food choices for low-income Americans.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT), which said last July it would have 300 food-desert stores nationwide by 2016, has opened 23 and delayed opening some locations after a backlash from activists. Supervalu Inc. (SVU), which pledged to double to 2,376 its Save-A-Lot stores, has slowed the pace of openings amid declining sales and scarce financing for its licensees. Meanwhile, grocers are opening stores in wealthier urban enclaves.

Food desert locations, by definition, aren’t profitable, according to Nelson Lichtenstein, director of the Center for the Study of Work, Labor and Democracy at the University of California atSanta Barbara.

“The whole phrase ‘food desert’ sort of implies the weather created it,” said Lichtenstein. “It’s not the weather — it’s because people don’t have any money.”
Shoppers who live in low-income city neighborhoods “don’t fill up a basket and spend $100, they buy $10,” said Lichtenstein, who wrote “The Retail Revolution: How Wal-Mart Created a Brave New World of Business.” [...]

The 1,330-location Save-A-Lot chain, which sells food that’s about 40 percent cheaper than that sold by mainstream grocers, will open 50 stores in fiscal 2013, compared with 52 in 2012 and 92 in 2011. Save-A-Lot is “still seeing good growth in the licensees, but it’s not quite the pace that we had outlined a couple of years ago,” Chief Financial Officer Sherry Smith said at an investor conference on April 24.


Strength through joy
Had a Sav-a-lot store near me , was very surprised to find it closed last month. But when you only carry 1200 items compared to a major chains almost 20,000 items, its easy to see why it closed .