Michelle Obama


Well-Known Member
Again, anger because you are told to be angry. Where were you when Laura Bush made 17 trips out of the country at the taxpayers dime? Where were you when Laura Bush made 5 trips to africa during her stint as first lady? The taxpayers spent MILLIONS of dollars on all her trips, but heck, YOU LEAN AWAY FROM THE LEFT...

Laura Bush had 7 birthdays while in the white house. All paid for by the taxpayers. Did you complain then?

OF course not. You are one of the HYPOCRITE crowd johnny come lately fresh with Fox news anger.

Get a clue bro.


Where is there any anger in my post? I would describe it as more of a disgust; disgust with how the government spends money, that we shouldn't be spending, and the attitude of some that boils down to "who cares", "so what", and "as long as I get mine".

It doesn't matter what political party we are talking about, our government wastes money like crazy, and it's ridiculous; and it's attitudes like yours that do absolutely nothing to solve the problem.

The solution to the problem is NOT rose colored glasses and accusations of FOX news allegiance. Perhaps it is you who needs to get a clue.

God have mercy on your soul.


Well-Known Member

Go back to the past --Blame Bush ---Justify bad behavior with pointing out past bad behavior.

This is one of the reasons things never change ---root for your team --no matter how dirty they play --as long as you can point to examples from the to justify the bad behavior today.

One major difference --Bush took the position --that YOU should keep more of your money ----Obama spends like a King ---yet cries for more of OUR money !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Go back to the past --Blame Bush ---Justify bad behavior with pointing out past bad behavior.

This is one of the reasons things never change ---root for your team --no matter how dirty they play --as long as you can point to examples from the to justify the bad behavior today.

One major difference --Bush took the position --that YOU should keep more of your money ----Obama spends like a King ---yet cries for more of OUR money !!!

Island, one of the good things about a progressive country, is that opinions like yours are fading away into oblivion. Bush racked up 11 trillion dollars in debt all the while YOU and the others on this site were saying things like "freedom isnt free" when liberals were complaining about the costs of two wars.

You cant have it both ways.

You dont like wasteful spending? Then you must hate yourself for supporting it for 8 years.



Well-Known Member
Debt ??? Better check out your hero --the one who claimed running up debt was "unpatriotic"

Progressive Country ???---More people in poverty --income inequality has grown --more people unemployed --lowest workforce participation in many many years, scandal after scandal in the White House, President who knows nothing about anything --unless he reads it in the "Times" --minority unemployment at highest levels, middle east falling apart ,slowest recovery in history, The President has a phone and a pen ---but otherwise an "empty suit"

I believe at this point you are one of the only people still waving your pom-poms over his Greatest achievement "Obamacare" ---Oh I forgot --HE does not even want it referred to as Obamacare !!!

Progressive country ??? Did you say the debt has doubled under Obama's reign ??--I guess you missed that FACT !!


Well-Known Member
Tos, Hope this is an RDO or optional for you --you would not want to be posting on BC while delivering those packages --would you ??
Remember with Obama--you are always being watched !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Debt ??? Better check out your hero --the one who claimed running up debt was "unpatriotic"

Progressive Country ???---More people in poverty --income inequality has grown --more people unemployed --lowest workforce participation in many many years, scandal after scandal in the White House, President who knows nothing about anything --unless he reads it in the "Times" --minority unemployment at highest levels, middle east falling apart ,slowest recovery in history, The President has a phone and a pen ---but otherwise an "empty suit"

I believe at this point you are one of the only people still waving your pom-poms over his Greatest achievement "Obamacare" ---Oh I forgot --HE does not even want it referred to as Obamacare !!!

Progressive country ??? Did you say the debt has doubled under Obama's reign ??--I guess you missed that FACT !!

Well , you got the GOP talking points down, but any chance you have any thoughts of your own??



Well-Known Member
Sorry if the FACTS and reality are too hard for you to take.

In your twisted mind the economy is booming --we have full employment --peace on earth and we are loved around the world-the oceans have fallen --the earth is saved --everyone makes the same money and lives in the same homes.We have a fair tax code and brotherhood among men. People all ride bicycles and all energy is harnessed from the moon wind and stars. Abortion is not really stopping the heart on a human being and two men can have "intercourse " and birth a baby.

There are strawberry fields and candy canes on trees ---Obama truly is the Messiah !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sorry if the FACTS and reality are too hard for you to take.

In your twisted mind the economy is booming --we have full employment --peace on earth and we are loved around the world-the oceans have fallen --the earth is saved --everyone makes the same money and lives in the same homes.We have a fair tax code and brotherhood among men. People all ride bicycles and all energy is harnessed from the moon wind and stars. Abortion is not really stopping the heart on a human being and two men can have "intercourse " and birth a baby.

There are strawberry fields and candy canes on trees ---Obama truly is the Messiah !!

Hey, if this was the 1800's, you'd be an allstar. Unfortunately, the country is leaving your generation behind. You may not like blacks, mexicans or any other ethnicity other than your philipino wife, but this isnt the way america is going anymore. This melting pot of people is putting the all mighty whitey way of life to the curb.

Nothing is life is fair, but everything has to have change in order for a society to grow.

The future isnt for the old generation, the retired crowd can only sit back and live out their remaining years clutching the hatred theyve known their whole lifetimes.

This country is progressing forward, making changes so everyone can live together in harmony. The old separationalist societies where people make claims that black women are more likely to seek abortions without any facts are a thing of the past.

Hate is no longer the way of life bro. You can hate blacks all you want, but remember this, WHITES recieve more welfare in this country then all the blacks and hispanics combined.



Nine Lives
WHITES recieve more welfare in this country then all the blacks and hispanics combined.

Correct, that has been my reply when some brought this up around me.
True now and in the past but it is probably getting closer as Whites has gone below 50% of the US population.

Being an unmotivated slacker cuts across all racial lines.


Well-Known Member
Correct, that has been my reply when some brought this up around me.
True now and in the past but it is probably getting closer as Whites has gone below 50% of the US population.

Being an unmotivated slacker cuts across all racial lines.
I guess you can lump moreluck into that category of unmotivated slackers as she was once a food stamp recipient. I'm sure you didn't mean to offend her though.:)


Well-Known Member
Hate tos--you must be joking.

Your post has no response to the facts that Obama is a failure.

Since your so hung up on "older people" that you fondly call "relics" -this weekend watch a "relic" movie --you might actually learn something.

Wild in the Streets --the young and the newly elected President believed anyone of over thirty should be arrested and put in camps.

Two years passed --there was a knock on the President's door --It was his 30th Birthday !!!:oops:


Well-Known Member
Correct, that has been my reply when some brought this up around me.
True now and in the past but it is probably getting closer as Whites has gone below 50% of the US population.

Being an unmotivated slacker cuts across all racial lines.


If anyone cared to discuss this topic with honesty --they would analyze the demographics --and the percentages.

Perfect Example: Teamsters in 1997 -Claim: We have 90% Strike vote authorization.

Fact: Only 10% went to the halls to vote ---90% did not vote.

The teamsters had 90% of the ten % who voted ==very misleading.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

If anyone cared to discuss this topic with honesty --they would analyze the demographics --and the percentages.

Perfect Example: Teamsters in 1997 -Claim: We have 90% Strike vote authorization.

Fact: Only 10% went to the halls to vote ---90% did not vote.

The teamsters had 90% of the ten % who voted ==very misleading.

What is MISLEADING is YOUR claim that BLACK women are more prone to seek out abortions. Something you heard on limbaugh but was not smart enough NOT to repeat on an open forum.

You owe all black women an apology.



Well-Known Member
Ignorance is bliss.
Abortions in the U.S.

Black--- 40 per 1000
Hispanic--29 per 1000
White ---12 per 1000
Facts are Facts---you have no idea what the truth is --you are blinded by your own hate.
Planned Parenthood is committing Genocide in poor Minority neighborhoods.
With the high number of Black Abortions along with the Black on Black murders--the Black population has stayed in the 12.6 range for years--- being passed by Hispanics as the Majority minority group in the range of 16.5


Well-Known Member
La- la land is a very sad and hateful place.:censored2:

I repeat---Same tired old play book-- ignore the true facts and problems--then deflect to--Bushes fault--Fox news --Rush Limbaugh.

Life is tough -- Even tougher when you are an idiot !!


Well-Known Member
It would certainly take a La-la land resident to think that Government Abortion Statistics are funny.

Truly some very sick people.