Inordinately Right
I'm sure insulting people will help you with that....
I try not to google because they keep so much data on people, and control so much of the computers, tablets, and phones.You can also Yahoo.....for those (like me) who never google.
dido,I'm sure insulting people will help you with that....
Wow you really know nothing about the stock market do you? You really have no idea why the stock market is so high? Omg please tell me you are joking. Ever hear of quantitative easing? Do some research and get back with me. Home market has not recovered. You must have heard that on the opinion msnbc. States are improving that are run by majority republicans. There is record food stamps, more people out of work, no knew jobs, a bleep economy, jobs being outsourced, what country do you live in?
As long as republicans in congress continue to attempt to lower wages, take away health care, eliminate overtime pay and encourage union busting, the american worker will always get screwed no matter who holds the presidency.
First of all, who said I was a republican? And your president told everyone about quantitative easing, even msnbc did too. So you just don't understand what it is.Keep telling yourself these things. Why wouldnt you, its what LIMBAUGH says everyday on the radio. Look, this country is along way from getting back to a prosperous nation. Until corporations come back to america and start to employ american workers again, this country will have to be helped by the goverment.
As long as republicans in congress continue to attempt to lower wages, take away health care, eliminate overtime pay and encourage union busting, the american worker will always get screwed no matter who holds the presidency.
I am sure you are of the belief that the republicans have YOUR best interests at heart despite their clear record on workers rights and pay.
But, there is no fixing a parrot. I could tell you till i was blue in the face, but as long as you dont hear it on fox news or limbaugh, you wont believe it.
Its a sad moment for you. Your growing into Island.
dido,I'll enjoy paying lower co-pays through Teamcare !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get with the program-- workers have to pay more for everything so takers can stay in bed all day while you support them.
When you say takers, you are talking about social security recipients, right? Oh wait, youre one of those takers, I forgot.
Every financial advisor I have talked to suggests, as a general rule, that you start at 62.Anyone with any smarts will take S.S. as soon as they are eligible.........before there's none left!!
Anyone with any smarts will take S.S. as soon as they are eligible.........before there's none left!!
The takers I complain about are the ones who don't deserve any help at illegals, lazy asses who won't move to get a job........etc. I don't complain about the people who really need a hand up......temporarily!