I'm just gonna mention one 4-letter word.......UTAH !!
I`m just gonna mention one 7-letter word........MORMONS!! Utah is nice to visit,actually drive through,but I wouldn`t want to live there.
I'm just gonna mention one 4-letter word.......UTAH !!
I`m just gonna mention one 7-letter word........MORMONS!! Utah is nice to visit,actually drive through,but I wouldn`t want to live there.
A long way from turning into a detroit...roflmao
perhaps he's getting his projections from yahoo.
Tie, you have no business sense whatever. Surprises me you are actually part of management. But, at UPS, thats possible.
How can Vegas strive, if the economy is hurting ?
Once you get manufacturing up and running again, like places such as Detroit, only then will Vegas benefit.
Tie, you have no business sense whatever. Surprises me you are actually part of management. But, at UPS, thats possible.
How can Vegas strive, if the economy is hurting ?
Once you get manufacturing up and running again, like places such as Detroit, only then will Vegas benefit.
I agree, Tie couldn't manage a taco bell and yet he is a manager at UPS. He probably has all his money in bonds because he thinks Obama will destroy the country just like the Tea Party maroon rednecks that pretend that there fight is against a high deficit and yet they said nothing during the Reagan or Bush years when the deficit was 64% of gdp. Obama inherited this mess and he just about has it cleaned up, now he can work on getting the debt down by taxing these rich morons.
The recession is over, some economists say it ended in July/August 2009. Vegas gaming has bottomed. Companies are producing better results. Companies are boosting their dividends. Companies have more money and will go to conventions. Retail sales are better than expected. It is getting better everywhere except jobs yet. Jobs are the last thing to recover. You are unemployed, yet you still travel.
How do you figure Odrama has it about cleaned up when the deficit will be sky high with no solution of stopping spending ??? !!! Dream on
I do give him credit for saving the auto industry, and so should you. That's over 200.000 - 300.000 jobs with suppliers.
Oh yeah, and the stimilus money they had to have immediately, if not sooner.......there's still 2/3 of it left. Pay down the deficit with it !! No, some fly or spider might need a study done on it. Let's fork over 4 million for that. Some shrimp needs a water study....another 8 million for that.
Wouldn't have the existing auto companies taken their market share. Increase their capacity determined by demand and absorb many of those jobs?
Yup, just like DHL jobs were absorbed by UPS and Fedex![]()
how can you compare a service company to a durable goods company. Units would have been sold off and workers hired to produce those models. And suppliers would supply the models that survive. So then profit = jobs and losses = obama bailout.