Lue C Fur
Evil member usual you drink the Obama Kool-aid and want the govt to hold your hand...Cradle to grave.I'll take that bet......I can see many voting third party, but voting for the "Union-Busting" Republican Party is like choosing to be extinghuished and eliminated.
"our union...local 2727...nothing to do with Canada or trucker/box kicker union...local 2727.
Why don't you quit your Union job today and stop freeloading on the entitlements Union Members fought for, and go work somewhere equal as a non-union employee......
Not a socialist feeloader like i will stay. But since you "assume" which is not a good thing for you., i have organized many picketts and formed a union...what have you done?
I bet you stood up and cheered when Reagan fired the air Traffic Controllers.
I bet instead of a Farrah Faucet poster in your bedroom, you had a Poster of Union Buster Frank Lorenzo straddling an Eastern Airlines Jet.
Was not into posters, i was working back then and did not have personal time for Farrah that you did.
You ought to open up a Kool-Aid stand at your Hub.......
Wont have any takers for the Liberal Kool-aid because we all are against Odrama. Maybe we should start a club called "Teamsters against the Messiah". LMAO!!!! usual no substance or content in your responses, it's mostly juvenile diatribe...