Millennials - They hate us cuz they ain't us


Well-Known Member
youre nuts. and some people think IM nuts...

saying that one generation is much better than the other is like saying hillary clinton is much better than donald trump, or whites are much better than blacks.

the truth is most people are mediocre and because of that we are going straight to hell first and then comes the death.
Just because you can’t think for yourself doesn’t mean you are nuts. It’s more of how you interpret things that don’t exist.


You need people from other places to tell you what to do and what to say. Since you don’t know what’s going on around you, you can’t even fathom what’s going on 3000 miles away.
you are totally clueless whats going on in your country just like roughly 99% of the population. you think the economy is great. you think the only way to learn about whats going on is first hand experience, you dont trust anyone to give you history. you never post any articles either.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
you are totally clueless whats going on in your country just like roughly 99% of the population. you think the economy is great. you think the only way to learn about whats going on is first hand experience, you dont trust anyone to give you history. you never post any articles either.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
you are totally clueless whats going on in your country just like roughly 99% of the population. you think the economy is great. you think the only way to learn about whats going on is first hand experience, you dont trust anyone to give you history. you never post any articles either.
r u in a cat fight right now


Well-Known Member
you are totally clueless whats going on in your country just like roughly 99% of the population. you think the economy is great. you think the only way to learn about whats going on is first hand experience, you dont trust anyone to give you history. you never post any articles either.
I remember when I was 12 like you.


Got the T-Shirt


What's up with these millennials? Even when you try to appease them, it doesn't work because even they don't know what they want. Claiming they're so 'mindful' and 'woke', but then why can't they get anything to sink into their thick heads? What are we supposed to do, hell, what CAN we do? We're so confused! Can't even turn to the media for answers. All the FAKE NEWS is too busy trying to act like my president isn't the kind, honest, and empathetic man that he is. Anyways, with any generation you gotta expect a few bad apples, but...all of them? What the hell is that? Literally, entire generation...just...:censored2:ed. I mean, we're :censored2:ed. This is the end and we can't do :censored2: about it. We can erase entire cities with a single nuke, but of all things...participation trophies are what brings mankind to its knees. The apocalypse is upon us. It's safe to say that this is Obama's fault, but I'm sure crooked Hillary probably helped at some point. Thanks, Obama Bin-Laden. Oh, and by the way, we're still waiting to see that birth certificate. ________________________________________________________________ Apparently, I subconsciously substitute 'confused bi-products of a mis-informed culture' in place of the word 'millennials', when I hear it. Try this out next time the millennials leave you confused or pissed-off. When used in the example above, the questions almost answer themselves. At the very least, it should help bridge the generational gap's opposing viewpoints. The truth is, most of us are just as confused as the older generations about these clashing perspectives. Obviously, every generation has had to deal with it's own variety of lies that were told to them, but I think the key difference is that we were the first to realize the full-scale of it all. I'll explain, but in order to generalize I'm going to have to use some occasional stereotypes. For example, the crowd that seems the most troubled by us...are the same ones that think; Trump is a saint, Obama is not a US citizen, and that FAKE NEWS is some kind of new development. Basically, they generally accept the lies told to them, as truth, and then seem to never question what they 'know' as truth down the road.

I'm not trying to bash them, just giving an example. Besides, it's not so much a fault of their own, so much as it's simply the condition created from the time period they lived through. While it doesn't make sense to us, expecting them to 'wake up' and realize their lies, is simply unreasonable. It's not gonna happen, so just try to adapt. No matter how much one tries, it's near impossible to completely reverse the direction someone's entire lifetime worth of experiences have steered them in. Generational gaps go both ways, though. The majority of complaints against us are:

1. We are lazy or can't hold onto a job
2. We think that just because we want something, we should get it
3. We expect too much
4. We think of ourselves as entitled

All of these don't necessarily apply in every case, but I'll later break down each one from my own personal perspective. Before I do that, though, I want to offer some personal experiences that will assist in why I view things the way I do. It mostly boils down to the rise of modern technology, or more specifically, computers and the internet. I don't think it's a stretch to say that everyone, at some point in their life, will have a realization that their parents are not the all-knowing beings they had come to believe. For me, that day came early and left me with only 2 explanations: either my mom was a :censored2:ing liar, or she was just stupid as :censored2:. Either way, up till then, she was the most trusted source of information I had. I was all of 10 or 11yrs old, sitting in the library computer lab...just devastated. The knowledge base I built, almost entirely from her replies, was now in question. All that time pondering and spent asking her why? or how's come?...totally wasted. I was really pissed until I thought about the christmas issue. I realized it was just as much my fault for continuing to believe someone who had already hung me out to dry as the last kid in class to figure out that Santa wasn't real. Yep, I was that kid. I saw the internet as simply a high-tech tool that was similar to my beloved encyclopedias and National Geographic collection. However, the internet was much easier to use and navigate back then. I still consider it a powerful tool, but only in the hands of those who know how to use it. Growing up on computers made weeding through the fake media landscape practically become second nature. I'm pretty sure Google was around back then, but my personal search engine of choice was called Altavista. Once I discovered it, and got familiar, I felt exactly like the Fifth Element when she got on the internet. Totally ecstatic and in awe at the wealth of information.....followed by a debilitating realization that a lot of bull:censored2: happened and is always happening. I never cared to figure out which explanation with Mom was true, but I knew that she was on some bull:censored2: and that was enough.

Once I questioned her, I started to question my teachers and whether they were pushing their own personal agenda or the state's. I started questioning anything and everything. These days it is done on a subconscious level and I hardly notice I'm doing it. That's a big reason why I don't 'know' what the older generations think I should. If Trump were to hop the news and claim something...anything at all, I would process absolutely none of it. That would happen on a subconscious level and even if what he was claiming was something actually true. That started happening for any data stream, that came my way, at a very early age. Remember how I mentioned that generational gaps go both ways? This is what I'm referring to on our side. We are not going to 'know' something just because it is told to us. I know that last sentence was probably enough to induce aneurysms in some of you, but suck it up and deal with it. We are both going to have to learn to adapt to the other and that's okay. That's what alternating generations have been doing for eons, it's really not that bad. I promise. Finally, here are my responses to the complaints against us:

1. It's totally understandable to have this impression. Older generations have only ever known 'hard-work' as the sole means of making a decent living. All through growing up we were told to ‘work smarter, not harder’, then we watched the dot-com explosion and kids turn to multi-millionaires for writing a few lines of html code or throwing together a simple app. We 'know' that hard work is only one of an endless amount of possibilities to make a decent living. Most times, hard-work is part of the equation, but the other parts are just as important. We see our work as an extension of us and a key factor in overall happiness. This sometimes results in not settling for mediocre jobs and playing the field. It doesn't help that the older management are old and don't understand us. This results in us leaving or getting fired.

2. If anyone wants something, most are going to to try to get it within reason. For efficiency sake, if someone thinks they have a decent chance of getting what they want by simply saying that they want it, I don't see what the problem is. Whether or not they deserve it, is another question entirely, but I've witnessed ladies of all ages say they wanted a drink only to have one magically appear. If this complaint is insisting that we think voicing our wants is our only means of obtaining whatever it is that we want, I'll just have to disagree.

3. We do expect too much, sometimes, I'll admit it. It's hard for rational people to understand irrational people. We know you're not blind, so when we expect you to see the :censored2: happening right in front of you, we don't understand how that's asking too much. Expecting you to see infrared light with your bare eyes, that would be expecting too much.

4. Again, I have to suck it up and admit it. We do think we are entitled, because we kinda are. We are younger, smarter, more open-minded, in perfect synergy with energy of the cosmos, and you....aren't. So, unless we are talking about a very specific situation centered around being old or dumb as being a good thing, then we are entitled. We deserve that job that you've held onto for far too long. We deserve to have our concerns treated with the same, if not higher, level of respect as your :censored2:'s. We are better than you. Stop whining and deal with it. Adapt :censored2:.

*How to guess someone's age: If a couple people are having a comment war about who's source is more credible, they are on the young end of the millennials. If there is some rational banter with someone requesting a source on maybe a single claim that's almost unbelievable, they are on the older end of the millennials. If the bickering is full of wild claims that they KNOW to be true, where it's painfully obvious that neither of these two even knows what a 'source' is, they are really old.
Boomers love rambling for paragraphs. I’m not reading any of that.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Whoever made that doesn't know the difference between millennials and zoomers (as usual). We learned cursive pretty militantly in first grade and were even required to write with it exclusively until about sixth grade. On the other hand I recently confirmed with an 18-year-old that the only cursive they were taught was their signature and they wouldn't even be able to write a full sentence.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Whoever made that doesn't know the difference between millennials and zoomers (as usual). We learned cursive pretty militantly in first grade and were even required to write with it exclusively until about sixth grade. On the other hand I recently confirmed with an 18-year-old that the only cursive they were taught was their signature and they wouldn't even be able to write a full sentence.
That’s also the story of my 23 year old daughter. I made her learn to at least be able to sign her name. The school was useless.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Whoever made that doesn't know the difference between millennials and zoomers (as usual). We learned cursive pretty militantly in first grade and were even required to write with it exclusively until about sixth grade. On the other hand I recently confirmed with an 18-year-old that the only cursive they were taught was their signature and they wouldn't even be able to write a full sentence.
We live in an Idiocracy