millions of americans will be homeless today

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
so occupy, black lives matter, trump supporters, wto protests, civil rights were mostly composed of rich people? lol

Any of the above events for which participation typically lasted for days. I don't think I've seen any Trumpees creating autonomous zones or camping out overnight to get their points across. Have you?


Well-Known Member
Any of the above events for which participation typically lasted for days. I don't think I've seen any Trumpees creating autonomous zones or camping out overnight to get their points across. Have you?
occupy was a few months, civil rights was years or decades long. not sure what that has to do with it. trump guys who fight with antfa i guarantee you are not rich. january 6th trump guys were not mostly rich lol. these ppl are desperate for change because their lives are that of silent desperation, and theyre angry too.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
occupy was a few months, civil rights was years or decades long. not sure what that has to do with it. trump guys who fight with antfa i guarantee you are not rich. january 6th trump guys were not mostly rich lol. these ppl are desperate for change because their lives are that of silent desperation, and theyre angry too.

Educate me on the civil rights protesters who camped out for months like the occupy folks were able to because they didn't have to worry about working for a living.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
banks shouldnt be collecting, and it shouldnt be a loan the debt should be cancelled.

this is just divide and conquer or maybe more failed state symptoms
The government does nothing and magically most pay their rent. Now, people made bad decisions and blew the rent money on other things. The rent money they were spending was a loan, not a gift.

It sounds like snowflakes with student loans. Could have borrowed less, chose not too, then cries about the loan balance.
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Well-Known Member
The government does nothing and magically most pay their rent. Now, people made bad decisions and blew the rent money on other things. The rent money they were spending was a loan, not a gift.

It sounds like snowflakes with student loans. Could have borrowed less, chose not too, then cries about the loan balance.
I just want students to b paid for school like soldiers do for killing


Well-Known Member
A lot of this thread shows a lot of what’s wrong with American politics. You have multiple issues surrounding this renter/landlord thing. First issue being a trump/Covid economic downturn caused a lot of renters to lose jobs.


Well-Known Member
This lose of jobs from the trump/covid recession means that 10’s of millions can’t pay rent, so the CDC under trump said you can’t evict all of these people and we will give them money so they can pay their rent. The Biden administration has done the same.


Well-Known Member
Yet landlords are saying hey I haven’t gotten rent. I want to evict these tenants. The question becomes what happened? In some peoples’ minds the renters are scum who kept the money and didn’t pay rent. And that aren’t interested in actually knowing anything about this subject except these non paying renters are bad and the government didn’t help landlords.


Inordinately Right
A lot of this thread shows a lot of what’s wrong with American politics. You have multiple issues surrounding this renter/landlord thing. First issue being a trump/Covid economic downturn caused a lot of renters to lose jobs.
This lose of jobs from the trump/covid recession means that 10’s of millions can’t pay rent, so the CDC under trump said you can’t evict all of these people and we will give them money so they can pay their rent. The Biden administration has done the same.

Democrats mandated a recession.
It's over. Anyone who wants a job can get one.
Now Democrats are just pushing their stupid marxist ideology. And they're doing it illegally. They are fascists and so are the people who support them.


Well-Known Member
In objective reality, most of the money dedicated to pay rent hasn’t gotten into the hands of renters, unemployment benefits were delayed for millions of people for months some were rejected, and finally some landlords are refusing the government money because that money comes with stipulation that you can’t evict the tenants.


Well-Known Member
This set of issues are a serious failure of government. And that is causing a burden to some landlords. But the solution is for the government to get the money already allocated out faster not to evict millions of families because of those government delays.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been against lock downs since day 1, because I’m against people going homeless, I’m against poverty.

You people wanted this and now are crying about it. You need to get a grip.
Who cares if you were against lockdowns? The reality is there were lockdowns. People didn’t want to get sick and have long term affects from coronavirus or die. That’s shipped sailed and your position is wrong. So you just want to let me know you were wrong about the lockdowns?

El Correcto

god is dead
Who cares if you were against lockdowns? The reality is there were lockdowns. People didn’t want to get sick and have long term affects from coronavirus or die. That’s shipped sailed and your position is wrong. So you just want to let me know you were wrong about the lockdowns?
Okay tell that to everyone who is going to lose their residence because democrats convinced them we can just stay home for months on end and not pay bills. Then fall back on lol CDC said so.