If he has enough seniority then he needs to come to work.He doesn't want the voluntary layoff though
If he has enough seniority then he needs to come to work.He doesn't want the voluntary layoff though
30 years of what?Is it true that... blah blah blah..and I have over 30 years.
30 years of what?
Not knowing how to get real life answers from the real life job?
If you are in Michigan in Local 243 the following applies:Is it true that seniority gives you the right to work, not the right to not work? Our dispatch supervisor says that the top seniority drivers must work on Monday before lower seniority drivers. My route is usually out in Mondays, and I have over 30 years. I would rather take a layoff than to follow my work on another route or do a vacation route. I work in Michigan under Central States. Do I have the right to take a layoff or am I forced to work on Monday? I'm the highest seniority driver with their route taken out and around 10-15 Monday-Friday drivers are usually sent home.
Our dispatch supervisor says
You probably did. You are very scary.
Geeezismaybe a little motivation is all he needs.
Jam it up their ass this coming Monday. Take all your breaks, stop completely at every stop sign, use designated walk paths, fold in your mirror, any method you can think of that will help you not get it done. They’ll get the message and put a runner on it.Is it true that seniority gives you the right to work, not the right to not work? Our dispatch supervisor says that the top seniority drivers must work on Monday before lower seniority drivers. My route is usually out in Mondays, and I have over 30 years. I would rather take a layoff than to follow my work on another route or do a vacation route. I work in Michigan under Central States. Do I have the right to take a layoff or am I forced to work on Monday? I'm the highest seniority driver with their route taken out and around 10-15 Monday-Friday drivers are usually sent home.
A little asterisk here, don’t tell your boss your gonna do this as you clock in, then you will be fired for sabotaging the operation. Be a man and jam it up their ass quietly.Jam it up their ass this coming Monday. Take all your breaks, stop completely at every stop sign, use designated walk paths, fold in your mirror, any method you can think of that will help you not get it done. They’ll get the message and put a runner on it.
The dispatch supervisor is usually the last person in my building I go to for contract-related questions.
Let's go on strike screw it all.A little asterisk here, don’t tell your boss your gonna do this as you clock in, then you will be fired for sabotaging the operation. Be a man and jam it up their ass quietly.
Well then. LOL We have a seniority based day off list at our center when routes are cut.If you don’t know what you’re talking about it’s best to just be quiet
Ummmmmm. This is what we do everyday...Jam it up their ass this coming Monday. Take all your breaks, stop completely at every stop sign, use designated walk paths, fold in your mirror, any method you can think of that will help you not get it done. They’ll get the message and put a runner on it.
Just wait until you see today....Ummmmmm. This is what we do everyday...
They have taken that choice away from us AND can force us to work Saturday if we do take Monday off• Seniority DOES give you the right to work.
• 30 years and you don't know one of the guys that are laid off that would like to work and cover the route?
I would.Do you realize how many senior employees will take a bad day and not file for unemployment
I rarely take the day myselfI would.
Its better than feeling like a rookie on a blind route.
And it helps out the broke newbie who went out and bought that brand new truck once hired.
In the past we have deferred to past practice and allowed voluntary layoff by seniority.
No more.
Our 3-center building is now building-wide high seniority works.
In other words, even the high seniority drivers whose routes are cut can be forced to work in another center if necessary.
My current route has become one of those cut routes despite having a heavy pickup load on Mondays. It is ridiculous.
Saturday has made a mess of everythingThey are trying to cut back on 6th day punches. The low seniority guys are going to be forced to work Saturday. So they need the higher guys to work on Monday.