More bad press from...of course GROUND


Well-Known Member
How exactly does this relate to Ground?
A good chance that you wouldl see the passage of a bill that grants a legal definition of what an "essential worker" actually is plus laws that curbs abuses of workers including a much narrower definition of an " independent contractor" and "gig worker" and perhaps legislation regarding who controls an independent contractors employees because at XG it sure as hell isn't the contractor who controls his employees.

In fact I've heard the same gripe over and over again from contractor employed drivers. And that's being cuffed around by XG as if they were XG's own employees and the refusal by the contractor to speak in defense of his own employee. Granted, wouldn't do any good even if they tried because the contractor is just as powerless as the employee.


Staff member
A good chance that you wouldl see the passage of a bill that grants a legal definition of what an "essential worker" actually is plus laws that curbs abuses of workers including a much narrower definition of an " independent contractor" and "gig worker" and perhaps legislation regarding who controls an independent contractors employees because at XG it sure as hell isn't the contractor who controls his employees.

In fact I've heard the same gripe over and over again from contractor employed drivers. And that's being cuffed around by XG as if they were XG's own employees and the refusal by the contractor to speak in defense of his own employee. Granted, wouldn't do any good even if they tried because the contractor is just as powerless as the employee.
Isn’t this the same wet dream you had when Obama was elected?


Well-Known Member
Isn’t this the same wet dream you had when Obama was elected?
What you're forgetting is that he was a minority president for 6 of the last 8 years he was in office and the first 2 years were spent just digging out of the Bush recession. If there is a shift to the left of center with a Democrat president and a Democrat majority in Congress there could to be a lot game changing labor law bills making it to the floor for a vote.


Well-Known Member
Your continued display of ignorance is remarkable. You think in the midst of a terrible recession if not depression the Democrats are going to win the election and proceed to kneecap corporate America? K
In your case the first thing you should do is to change your party registration to the dyed in the wool Republican you actually are. If the depression that is the focus of many economists worries happens saw what happened in 1932.


Staff member
What you're forgetting is that he was a minority president for 6 of the last 8 years he was in office and the first 2 years were spent just digging out of the Bush recession. If there is a shift to the left of center with a Democrat president and a Democrat majority in Congress there could to be a lot game changing labor law bills making it to the floor for a vote.
No probably not.


Well-Known Member
Do you think ground is his end all/be all? If the contractor model were to ever end (it won't----it might change but it will never end) he would just move on to something else. He has told us on many occasions that he already has an exit plan in place.
Sell now ......time a wasting 1/20/21 ....


Just telling it like it is
Do you think ground is his end all/be all? If the contractor model were to ever end (it won't----it might change but it will never end) he would just move on to something else. He has told us on many occasions that he already has an exit plan in place.
You seem to be more worried about than him. If you think Ground is such a fine outfit, then go work for them. And leave us alone.