More bad press from...of course GROUND


Staff member
If they proclaim the facility safe solely on the basis of the lip service measures they're taking whether or not it has been determined to be safe by qualified health professionals and they tell you to pull in and load what will you do aside from complying?
Why wouldn’t I believe them? It’s their risk and they have the deep pockets.


Well-Known Member
Yep and it wouldn't matter if it was one year or 10 years nothing about them is binding on FXG and they make certain of that. Why not? The terms are all theirs.
You made it a contract by signing the document. Until you signed it was only an offer.
Only idiots sign an offer of such magnitude without representation.

Just my opinion, you won't be billed.


Well-Known Member
You made it a contract by signing the document. Until you signed it was only an offer.
Only idiots sign an offer of such magnitude without representation.

Just my opinion, you won't be billed.
If you find a way to earn fees from the dispersal of common knowledge Captain Obvious you have my undying admiration But, a sales contract was drawn up a reputable attorney The money he offered was more on the order of a blocking action and I merely assisted him in his efforts There is no alliances among contractors because X is always playing them off against one another because it benefits them.


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn’t I believe them? It’s their risk and they have the deep pockets.
Don't you remember? When it's in their interests you're their employee. When it's in their best interests you're an independent contractor and in this scenario you are a contractor and the people are YOUR employees despite the fact that X uses them as if they were their employees.


Well-Known Member
...and was there any financial incentive from Tony for staying if he was unable to secure financing...
He would not have had enough routes and would have been in a position of having little other choice than to sell the routes he had at a "take it off your hands " price to one of the other contractors and then decide if he wanted to drive for the people who took advantage of his disadvantageous position. Another example of the treachery and deception that is an everyday reality among contractors.


Well-Known Member
I would take it to the bank..Biden wins WI/MI/PA simple as that
Even as a somewhat left leaning Democrat I would be ok if Trump wins. Roosevelt had to cleanup Hoover's depression. Obama had to cleanup Bush's depression. So why not do something different for a change? For once let a Republican president cleanup his own depression. To this point in his presidency the "Joe Isuzu" of American politics has had it pretty easy. Let's see what he can do when he has to put his balls on the anvil and actually perform under the pressure of both a plaque and a depression.


Well-Known Member
If you find a way to earn fees from the dispersal of common knowledge Captain Obvious you have my undying admiration But, a sales contract was drawn up a reputable attorney The money he offered was more on the order of a blocking action and I merely assisted him in his efforts There is no alliances among contractors because X is always playing them off against one another because it benefits them.
It's very simple, you still miss it though.

An offer was presented, nothing more nothing less. Nothing in that offer was enforceable or unenforceable until you or who ever signed it and made it a contract.

The trouble, if trouble even appears, and benefits begin with a signature, actually two signatures.

Only an idiot signs a document of such magnitude without representation.

No charge again.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Not nearly long enough. I would think 5 years with the option by either side to void the remaining years for cause after the first 2.
It ends up being about 6 months or 18 depending how you look at it. They negotiate the next deal with enough time left to find a replacement if there’s no agreement. So when you agree you have 18 months until the new agreement expires, you just have to wait for the new one to start.


Well-Known Member
Let's see what he can do when he has to put his balls on the anvil and actually perform under the pressure of both a plaque and a depression.

So the guy has clogged arteries now?
I knew the McDonald's would kill him.

I just found a new emoluments case for you guys to investigate....McDonald's, you need to get on that.


Staff member
Don't you remember? When it's in their interests you're their employee. When it's in their best interests you're an independent contractor and in this scenario you are a contractor and the people are YOUR employees despite the fact that X uses them as if they were their employees.
It’s still their facility.


Staff member
The value of a contract outside of the book value of the trucks themselves which is less everyday is whatever Ground says it's worth due to the fact that they are your only client and they not you decides how much they'll pay you to deliver their freight.

You and I'm sure many others are basing the payoff coming in the form of somebody throwing a mountain of money down in front of you for your contract. It's dream land purely imaginary when you look at all the factors that could just as easily prevent that from happening. As long as you're hauling under Ground's DOT tags, hauling their freight only with little to nothing in the way of a secondary market for your services and under a tightly controlled one year contract under terms that are not binding upon Ground or the corporation as a tell me....just exactly do you actually have that can be considered certain value?

Not to mention the fact that if the historic depression level collapse of the economy which many economists fear becomes reality transports are always hit earliest and the hardest with a mountain of surplus capacity much of which will never be sued again.
Actually I won’t sell all at once. I’ll probably sell off a third in a couple years, half in 8 years and two more halves in the few years before retiring.


Staff member
The value of a contract outside of the book value of the trucks themselves which is less everyday is whatever Ground says it's worth due to the fact that they are your only client and they not you decides how much they'll pay you to deliver their freight.

You and I'm sure many others are basing the payoff coming in the form of somebody throwing a mountain of money down in front of you for your contract. It's dream land purely imaginary when you look at all the factors that could just as easily prevent that from happening. As long as you're hauling under Ground's DOT tags, hauling their freight only with little to nothing in the way of a secondary market for your services and under a tightly controlled one year contract under terms that are not binding upon Ground or the corporation as a tell me....just exactly do you actually have that can be considered certain value?

Not to mention the fact that if the historic depression level collapse of the economy which many economists fear becomes reality transports are always hit earliest and the hardest with a mountain of surplus capacity much of which will never be sued again.
Do you know what happened at Ground during the last recession?


Well-Known Member
Do you know what happened at Ground during the last recession?
Stock went to $33 dollars. This time around we're looking at a full blown depression. Even Fed Chairman Powell is making no promises of a quick recovery or even an eventual full recovery .