More Voter Fraud?


Well-Known Member
Justin Levitt of Loyola Law School: "For any court to consider the extreme step of invalidating election results at this stage, a case would need to present a real meaningful question about whether ballots were invalid and at a scale that would change the outcome. The remaining cases brought by Trump and Republican challengers are factually inaccurate, grotesquely implausible, and fishing expeditions that do not come close to meeting that bar."


Well-Known Member
Justin Levitt of Loyola Law School: "For any court to consider the extreme step of invalidating election results at this stage, a case would need to present a real meaningful question about whether ballots were invalid and at a scale that would change the outcome. The remaining cases brought by Trump and Republican challengers are factually inaccurate, grotesquely implausible, and fishing expeditions that do not come close to meeting that bar."

So.... a little cheating is ok but a lot isn't?


Well-Known Member
Justin Levitt of Loyola Law School: "For any court to consider the extreme step of invalidating election results at this stage, a case would need to present a real meaningful question about whether ballots were invalid and at a scale that would change the outcome. The remaining cases brought by Trump and Republican challengers are factually inaccurate, grotesquely implausible, and fishing expeditions that do not come close to meeting that bar."

you're saying Trump challenging the dems cheating is innovation?


Well-Known Member
Anybody who honestly believes that Biden got 10s of millions more votes than Obama is even dumber than I thought or is just lying !!!
McCain, Romney and Obama, whatever. All options most people were okay to complain about after the election. Biden got 3 million more in california, 2 million more in texas than Obama in 2012. 2 states 50% the gain,


Well-Known Member
McCain, Romney and Obama, whatever. All options most people were okay to complain about after the election. Biden got 3 million more in california, 2 million more in texas than Obama in 2012. 2 states 50% the gain,
Biden won 5 more counties than hillary but gained 10 million more votes. perfectly logical


Bad Moon Risen'


Well-Known Member
A story presented with no hard evidence, with no clear allegation of what kind of fraud occurred, or how it happened. Seems about as credible as that drunk lady in Michigan.
Y'all impeached Trump on one hearsay whistleblower. There are thousands of whistleblowers signing affidavits under penalty of perjury saying fraud was committed in counting ballots yet y'all act like it's nothing.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Y'all impeached Trump on one hearsay whistleblower. There are thousands of whistleblowers signing affidavits under penalty of perjury saying fraud was committed in counting ballots yet y'all act like it's nothing.

It’s probably not perjury if you “thought” you saw something that wasn’t actually something and you sign an affidavit testifying to it. Doubly so if that affidavit is never even admitted as evidence in court.

Still great material to point to and shout about at conspiracy theory press conferences.


Well-Known Member
Yup, Eric Ciaramella was not a whistleblower, he was a former aide to Biden on Ukrainian issues, who's sole goal was to stop President Trump from revealing Biden's corruption.

Biden is a corrupt POS dirtbag and you know it Susie.
So you think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen?