More Voter Fraud?


Well-Known Member
It's really quite funny how you and others on the right have the whole Burisma story backwards. The Obama administration and other governments and non-governmental organizations were concerned that Shokin was not adequately pursuing corruption in Ukraine, was protecting the political elite, and was regarded as "an obstacle to anti-corruption efforts". Among other issues, he was slow-walking the investigation into Zlochevsky and Burisma and, according to Zlochevsky's allies, using the threat of prosecution to try to solicit bribes from Mr. Zlochevsky and his team – to the extent that Obama officials were considering launching their own criminal investigation into the company for possible money laundering.[
It's really quite funny how you and others on the Left have concocted a cover story for Biden. It's documented fact that Hunter Biden was getting $50k a month to sit on the board of Burisma plus another $33k a month in "consulting" fees. This in spite of him having no experience in oil and gas or familiarity with Ukraine. This in spite Joe claiming he wasn't involved in Hunter's deals then a pic surfaces showing him and Hunter playing golf with Burisma executives. Documented fact also about the Chinese giving Hunter's three man private equity firm $1.5 billion in spite of Hunter or his partners having no experience in that field. Documented fact about Hunter receiving millions from the widow of the former mayor of Moscow. A shopping spree paid for by a Kazahk oligarch. Money from a deal in Romania. Amazing how people want to throw huge amounts of money at a drug addict who was kicked out of the Navy. Has absolutely nothing to do with who his father is. Oh wait, it does, Hunter admitted that on the ABC interview. And you still haven't showed me where vice-presidents of the most powerful nation on Earth swoop in routinely to get corrupt prosecutors fired in poor backwater nations. One other example please. Doesn't have to be Biden.


Well-Known Member
It's really quite funny how you and others on the Left have concocted a cover story for Biden. It's documented fact that Hunter Biden was getting $50k a month to sit on the board of Burisma plus another $33k a month in "consulting" fees. This in spite of him having no experience in oil and gas or familiarity with Ukraine. This in spite Joe claiming he wasn't involved in Hunter's deals then a pic surfaces showing him and Hunter playing golf with Burisma executives. Documented fact also about the Chinese giving Hunter's three man private equity firm $1.5 billion in spite of Hunter or his partners having no experience in that field. Documented fact about Hunter receiving millions from the widow of the former mayor of Moscow. A shopping spree paid for by a Kazahk oligarch. Money from a deal in Romania. Amazing how people want to throw huge amounts of money at a drug addict who was kicked out of the Navy. Has absolutely nothing to do with who his father is. Oh wait, it does, Hunter admitted that on the ABC interview. And you still haven't showed me where vice-presidents of the most powerful nation on Earth swoop in routinely to get corrupt prosecutors fired in poor backwater nations. One other example please. Doesn't have to be Biden.
Obama pardoned the biden's on the way out, so it doesn't matter what hunter might have done. Get over it,


Well-Known Member
Obama pardoned the biden's on the way out, so it doesn't matter what hunter might have done. Get over it,
So you're saying our highest elected officials should shape policy around deals they've made on the side to enrich themselves? Seriously? And what did Obama pardon him for? Was he charged with a Federal crime?

The big package

Well-Known Member
There is ample prima facie evidence to warrant lawsuits proceed to discovery phase.

Democrat judges don't care about justice, and the marxist media lies to their brainwashed sheep about how there is no evidence.
I agree some of these judges decisions are all about politics . One surefire way of making this thing go to Supreme Court if necessary is for the red states that's voting process was done correctly and have already been decided might have to sue the other states in question over the electoral process !!!

The big package

Well-Known Member
The judges in these lawsuits as well as donald's own corrupt AG, have all come to the conclusion that there is no evidence.
They can say whatever they want but the general public can see all the evidence they want on television and in the hearings . That's the beautiful thing about video and the testimony of the people that were there !!!


Well-Known Member
trump and his lawyers are not arguing voter fraud in court. Whenever they are specifically asked in court is there voter fraud they say we aren’t saying there is voter fraud. Yet despite this reality, trump supporters pretend that oh these lawsuits are about voter fraud. But again if you listen to any of the court proceedings they never claim voter fraud. republicans gained seats in the house, probably will retain a slightly slimmer senate majority and yet they say those election wins are correct and fair, but only Biden’s win is cheating all in the same election. If they really believed this stuff they’d say we don’t know about the house or the senate races either.
Sadly and dangerously what all this pretend voter fraud stuff means is that gop elected officials and republican voters will over turn an election based on unfounded claims of voter fraud. It is probably inevitably going to happen, and once it does.....we will enter sham representative government status, which would be a return to normal as far as our nation’s history, but would be bad for democratic representative government.
Remember trump’s legal team isn’t claiming voter fraud in court. remember republicans gained seats in the house and are likely to retain the senate, so dems only wanted to cheat trump and no other republicans?
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Well-Known Member
This goes beyond trump, to the central animating thing in American politics, american representative government was shaped by excluding large percentages of the population from having a say in anything. A governing ideology formed around this, that certain people in America shouldn’t have the ability to shape or influence anything in America.
most republican voters fundamentally believe that certain groups of Americans shouldn't have the same ability to direct the political future of this nation. That’s what all of this trump worship is about, trump more than any national politician in my lifetime directly denigrated groups of Americans as not really American. He said they came from criminal stock and were rapists, they were foreign Muslims and should be banned from coming here, they had the China flu and should be banned from coming here, he told elected congresswomen they needed to go back to where they came from before lecturing Americans about their shortcomings, he asked why do so many immigrants come from crap hole nations like Haiti and other African nations. And trump is now saying those same kinds of illegitimate Americans in Detroit and Philadelphia and Atlanta stole the election from him and his voters.
trump is very explicit with his meanings and that’s both why he lost, but it’s also why he is loved by some.


Inordinately Right
If they really believed this stuff they’d say we don’t know about the house or the senate races either.
so dems only wanted to cheat trump and no other republicans?

The big package

Well-Known Member
Once again , anybody who honestly thinks that Joe Biden got tens of millions more votes than Barack Obama is either lying or living on a different planet !!! If people could just push politics aside for one second and look at it honestly , you know that there was funny business going on and a lot of fraudulent ballots , And there are testimonies from eyewitnesses and videos that prove it !!!


Inordinately Right
This goes beyond trump, to the central animating thing in American politics, american representative government was shaped by excluding large percentages of the population from having a say in anything. A governing ideology formed around this, that certain people in America shouldn’t have the ability to shape or influence anything in America.
most republican voters fundamentally believe that certain groups of Americans shouldn't have the same ability to direct the political future of this nation. That’s what all of this trump worship is about, trump more than any national politician in my lifetime directly denigrated groups of Americans as not really American. He said they came from criminal stock and were rapists, they were foreign Muslims and should be banned from coming here, they had the China flu and should be banned from coming here, he told elected congresswomen they needed to go back to where they came from before lecturing Americans about their shortcomings, he asked why do so many immigrants come from crap hole nations like Haiti and other African nations. And trump is now saying those same kinds of illegitimate Americans in Detroit and Philadelphia and Atlanta stole the election from him and his voters.
trump is very explicit with his meanings and that’s both why he lost, but it’s also why he is loved by some.
None of that is true.
You live in fantasy land.


Well-Known Member
None of that is true.
You live in fantasy land.
Well the first part is American history. Objectively American representative government was shaped by excluding huge numbers of Americans from being able to shape American government by voting, running for office, challenging laws in court etc. these facts defines the vast majority of American history. Clearly a governing ideology justifying why those Americans shouldn’t be allowed to vote, hold office, or challenge laws in court was formed and maintained. The Jim Crow South, and Redlining were directly from that governing ideology.
I think that governing ideology dominates Republican voters, trump’s rhetoric denigrating those groups of Americans as coming from criminal stock like rapists, who should be banned from coming here, and telling elected congresswomen to go back to where they came from, and calling Haiti and other African nation crap hole countries did happen and I think republicans voters who view those Americans as illegitimate love him for denigrating those groups of Americans. And now trump is telling his voters that those same illegitimate Americans who are located in cities like Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia stole the election from him and his voters.