movie review


The weather turned out to be really nice so I spent the day doing yarwd work. Today I did my Sunday morning routine, took David to the mall to get his haircut and then sat my butt on the couch and relaxed.
Were you speaking in the 3rd person? What's a haircut cost nowadays.
I cut my own so there's no "overhead".:wink2:


The weather turned out to be really nice so I spent the day doing yarwd work. Today I did my Sunday morning routine, took David to the mall to get his haircut and then sat my butt on the couch and relaxed.
Sounds like you had a great day! I take it you did not go see the movie then. LOL I'm surprised you would turn down a movie. :happy2:


Staff member
Watched "In Bruges" last night, it wasn't quite what I expected. Interesting take on choice and consequence. Plus some good old fashioned violence. Definitely worth seeing imo.


Well-Known Member
Yet another rainy Sunday spent at the theater. Just saw "The Orphan". Not for the weak at heart by any means but an excellent movie none the less. Had to close my eyes during a couple of scenes.


Well-Known Member
You had to close your eyes?!?!?!?!?!?! I know I'm not going to see it now. :whiteflag:

I can describe this one scene without ruining the movie. Daniel, the son, is shooting his paintball gun at some targets when a pigeon lands next to one of the targets. He shoots a paintball at the pigeon, thinking that it's only a paintball and wouldn't hurt the pigeon--well, he knocks the pigeon off the stand and it is near death. Esther, the orphan, hands him a rock and tells him to put the pigeon out of his misery. When he won't do it, she does and then hits the pigeon a few more times just for the heck of it. This is one of the milder scenes in the movie.


[-]I can describe this one scene without ruining the movie. Daniel, the son, is shooting his paintball gun at some targets when a pigeon lands next to one of the targets. He shoots a paintball at the pigeon, thinking that it's only a paintball and wouldn't hurt the pigeon--well, he knocks the pigeon off the stand and it is near death. Esther, the orphan, hands him a rock and tells him to put the pigeon out of his misery. When he won't do it, she does and then hits the pigeon a few more times just for the heck of it. This is one of the milder scenes in the movie.[/-]
NOPE don't wanna hear it. Nope nope:happy2:


Speaking of movies, we are watching Deliverance right now. I have a confession, this is the first time I have ever seen it. :happy2:


Staff member
Went to see The Hurt Locker last night, excellent movie. Very intense. There was definitely some Hollywoodization and a couple scenes where even if you didn't have a clue about tactics or the way things actually work you would raise an eyebrow, but overall it was clear why the film pulled a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. I might even see it again, which I almost never do.