movie review


Well-Known Member
I went to see "No Strings Attached" today. Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman portray "friends with benefits" who end up falling in love. It's not the best but certainly not the worst movie I have ever seen. There was a lot of profanity and sexual innuendo which didn't really fit the story line.

All you Justin Beiber fans will be happy to know that he has a movie coming out this summer. "Never Say Never".


Well-Known Member
I went to see "127 Hours" today. This is based on the true story of Aron Ralston, a hiker who got his right arm pinned by a falling rock while hiking in a cave. It was a very good movie but I caution anyone with a weak stomach to skip this one.

Sober, you will be happy to know that this is one time where an American made product would have come in really handy for Aron.


Well-Known Member
Used the last of my free movie tickets (birthday gift from my son) to see "Casino Jack" today. It is based on the story of Jack Abramoff, a powerful Washington DC lobbyist. Kevin Spacey gives a superb performance as Abramoff. The movie is well written and directed and does a good job of incorporating archived news footage in to the story. Add this one to your Netflix.


Well-Known Member
Used the last of my free movie tickets (birthday gift from my son) to see "Casino Jack" today. It is based on the story of Jack Abramoff, a powerful Washington DC lobbyist. Kevin Spacey gives a superb performance as Abramoff. The movie is well written and directed and does a good job of incorporating archived news footage in to the story. Add this one to your Netflix.

And there is a documentary to go along with the movie; appropriately named 'Casino Jack and the United States of Money'. Taken together, worthwhile performances.


That did look good in the previews.

I finally saw Avatar yesterday, liked it a lot! The 3D effects were tasteful, not overly in your face.
We finally did too.I thought it was amazing the way they incorporated reality and animation.


Well-Known Member
Went to see "Sanctum' today before the snow started to fall. It was produced by James Cameron who also produced "Avatar". "Sanctum" is no "Avatar" but it was still pretty good. I saw the 35mm version. The scenery was breathtaking, the movie was well written with a solid cast. I highly recommend this one as a "must see" at the theater (unless you have HD and a top notch surround sound system). I may go see it again, this time in 3-D.


New Member
I was real diapointed with True Grit. I thought none of the actors were as good as the original cast. Jeff bridges didn't do John Waynes part justice. No one can play a character alredy played by John Wayne, no one can better Robert Duvall, and Matt Damon who I like as a actor was not even better than Glen Campbell!


Well-Known Member
I was real diapointed with True Grit. I thought none of the actors were as good as the original cast. Jeff bridges didn't do John Waynes part justice. No one can play a character alredy played by John Wayne, no one can better Robert Duvall, and Matt Damon who I like as a actor was not even better than Glen Campbell!

The actress who portrayed the 14 yr old girl was the star of the movie for me. Matt Damon did not have his heart in this one and there were times I could hardly understand what Jeff Bridges was saying.


Staff member
I was real diapointed with True Grit.
Me too. It may have been an alright movie, BUT only for people who haven't seen the original.
Anyone who's seen the original is going to compare thru the whole show, and the new one will come up short.


golden ticket member
Watched last year's Oscar winner....Hurt Locker last night. I didn't think it was Oscar material. It was an OK movie, tense at times with the bomb defusals.


We went to see "The kings speech" last Sunday.
No action ,no sex,no blood,well,some swearing.
Great movie.


Well-Known Member
We went to see "The kings speech" last Sunday.
No action ,no sex,no blood,well,some swearing.
Great movie.

Kings Speech is a fantastic movie.... Colin Firth is amazing in it, and the majority of the swearing comes in one scene which is comical....


Well-Known Member
I saw the best movie I have seen in a long time today--"The Company Men". Ben Affleck leads an all-star cast in a movie about the reality of how people deal with the aftermath of termination, to include reassessing priorities, due to corporate downsizing and the not so subtle shift of focus for corporations from people to numbers. "Be thankful you have a job" takes on more meaning for me after having seen this movie. I highly recommend everyone add this one to their Netflix. There are no special effects or anything that would be enhanced by going to the theater to watch it (unless you enjoy paying $5 for a soda).


Well-Known Member
I saw the best movie I have seen in a long time today--"The Company Men". Ben Affleck leads an all-star cast in a movie about the reality of how people deal with the aftermath of termination, to include reassessing priorities, due to corporate downsizing and the not so subtle shift of focus for corporations from people to numbers. "Be thankful you have a job" takes on more meaning for me after having seen this movie. I highly recommend everyone add this one to their Netflix. There are no special effects or anything that would be enhanced by going to the theater to watch it (unless you enjoy paying $5 for a soda).

Going to watch this film later; your suggestion of Big Bang Theory was well placed, so I have high hopes for this as well.


Well-Known Member
To be sure, this is a movie to watch. Period.

The movie starts off with a focus on corporate culture and how earnings are achieved via downsizing and other nefarious acts, but then takes a hard turn towards the suggestion that blue collar values and hard work are superior; at least, that is how I took it. Furthermore, the film all but broadcasts from the beginning the message that "these folks are going to return to their roots" (without trying to spoil it too much), which I kind of started to get annoyed with at some point, and found myself saying "just do it already".

Generally, I'm not one to advocate for or against blue or white collar values; I think that each deserves equal respect in varying contexts. However, as one person out of many, I got the feeling this movie clearly leaned towards the view that one was better then the other. On the more emotional, family side of things, the wife of the protagonist was entirely too understanding for me.

If I'm permitted to be a little more critical as well, this is a movie with actors playing real people; thus, you get the movie ending. Realistically, there is no new beginning; just the same old drudgery every single day, year in and year out.

That being said, it is a good movie; great acting, good dialogue, and it's not too in-your-face preachy. Watch this.
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