movie review


golden ticket member
I was watching Summer Rental this afternoon and started thinking....gee, John Candy is dead, then Richard Crenna is too. Then, remember the 'chickie' next door who showed her new boobs to John Candy? She's dead too. Then I realized, the movie is over 25 years old !!

Geez, time is flyin' by !!


Well-Known Member
I was watching Summer Rental this afternoon and started thinking....gee, John Candy is dead, then Richard Crenna is too. Then, remember the 'chickie' next door who showed her new boobs to John Candy? She's dead too. Then I realized, the movie is over 25 years old !!

Geez, time is flyin' by !!

... you remember the one .. where Poppa Smurf beats the other smurf with a crutch? Heheh ahh .. good film.


I was watching Summer Rental this afternoon and started thinking....gee, John Candy is dead, then Richard Crenna is too. Then, remember the 'chickie' next door who showed her new boobs to John Candy? She's dead too. Then I realized, the movie is over 25 years old !!

Geez, time is flyin' by !!
It's hurtling out of control, though John Candy would probably still be alive, had he taken better care of himself. Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
Went to see "The Lincoln Lawyer" today. Matthew McConaughey and Marisa Tomie star in this one. Well written, solid cast, strong direction and a plot twist near the end. This one is worth the price of admission.


Well-Known Member
We opted to go see Tangled again instead of Rango. Good deal since it was at the dollar movies. I hadn't seen it yet, but Hubby and Munchkin had. I recomend it for anyone. The storyline is good and there are quite a few funny parts. This one will be purchased when available.


Well-Known Member
We opted to go see Tangled again instead of Rango. Good deal since it was at the dollar movies. I hadn't seen it yet, but Hubby and Munchkin had. I recomend it for anyone. The storyline is good and there are quite a few funny parts. This one will be purchased when available.

I took my daughter and what's his name to see Tangled and we all loved it.


Well-Known Member
Today was "Limitless". Bradley Cooper ("Hangover") and Robert DeNiro. Mind-expanding drug. I almost left after the first 30 minutes but it did pick up toward the end--still not worth the price of admission. Pass.


golden ticket member
Watched the comedy, Due Date. The premise reminded me of Planes, Trains and Automobiles....instead of John Candy & Steve Martin, it was Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis.

Maybe you'll remember Zach from "Hangover"....he's the one with the baby in the baby carrier .

It had it's funny parts and I enjoyed it. Lets face it, the 'poor soul' part has been played by many......Jackie Gleason one of the tops.


golden ticket member
It wasn't a movie, but this week, a new TV show premiered called "Breaking In". It stars a cigar chomping Christian Slater. I really liked it, but I wonder how the premise will be carried on for very long.

He owns a security company and they break into companies to show the weaknesses in the existing systems..


golden ticket member
We just watched "Stone" with DeNiro and Edward Norton. I like both actors and I was into the movie and then it ended. It was a psychological thing.
It ended and I was like, "I don't get it." :dissapointed:



Well-Known Member
Saw The Pat Tillman Story last night. Very good film because it looked at the issue mainly from the Family's POV. No conspiracy theories and regardless of where you stand on foreign policy, war, etc. this film is worthwhile for anyone. Josh Brolin IMO was a great narrator for this film. Very Robert Redford like who I also think is a fantastic Narrator.

Also you see Pat and his brothers growing up as kids and you gain some appreciation there and the family neighbors talking about the boys was a bit entertaining is not a bit embarrassing for the mom in a humorous way. Yes there were some light hearted moments as well as some serious and of course sad moments too. All of Pat's immediate family were and spoke in the film about various events except Kevin. Other than some still photos and file footage, the only time Kevin was heard speaking in the film besides when Pat got married was when Kevin spoke before Congress in 2007'. As to why he didn't speak in the film, that seems to be an answer only Kevin himself knows.

The film does not prove any conspiracies nor IMO does it allege any either. If one wants too, certain events can be used in such ways but there are no hard facts given to prove that. Pat's death was from friendly fire that so often takes place in the Fog of War and as tragic as that was, it was really the post death events and actions that were the real tragedy and the family was the chief victim along with the truth.

Pat was not perfect and yet at the same time he was the all american boy and maybe that truth is Pat's legacy to the all american boy ideal. Yet, this film as much as it had a gov't angle even more so had a very human angle too it. Pat wasn't looking to be a hero and in fact the film shows clearly all the hero attention he got, he would have opposed and his wishes before death clearly recognized his death might be used in such way and he tired to prevent it. One is left wondering if Pat would have given the same speech that Lt. Commander Madison character gave to the Mrs. Barham character over tea about the horrors of war and resulting hero worship in the film "The Americanization of Emily"? Great film BTW just on the comedic duo of James Garner (Madison) and Julie Andrews (Emily). You'll see early on the comedy pairing for the later Victor/Victoria.

The Tillman film's greatest message was not the tragedy of war in itself but that in war very good, moral, decent people get killed and one is left to sit back and ponder, is/was the price paid at the end of the day really worth it? Each of us are left to answer that question for ourselves.

A week from tomorrow, Friday April 22nd will mark the 7 year anniversary of Pat's death and to Pat's wishes I won't celebrate him as a hero but I will be sad for our loss of a good human being!

RIP Pat!


Staff member
I came across this trailer today, it's for a Danish documentary that was shot in Afghanistan at about the same time as Restrepo and caused quite a stir in Denmark.. Hopefully it will get English subtitles at some point, the trailer says "English" but it's obviously not.



golden ticket member
We watched "Hereafter" with Matt Damon tonight . Today was a RedBox special day and I got the movie for fifty cents. At that price, it was enjoyable....nuff said!


Well-Known Member
Hangover 2 will be out this summer. They have pulled the preview from theaters--I saw it and didn't think it was that bad--for distasteful content .

It's supposed to rain all weekend so I plan on going to see "Hanna" tomorrow.


Hangover 2 will be out this summer. They have pulled the preview from theaters--I saw it and didn't think it was that bad--for distasteful content .

It's supposed to rain all weekend so I plan on going to see "Hanna" tomorrow.
Cache just saw this. He said, " it is filmed a bit quirky in a few scenes with the camera work."