movie review


Staff member
Atlas Shrugged is finally here, though judging by the reviews it's a pretty shoddy film regardless of whether you like Ayn Rand or not. I'm tempted to go see it, assuming I can talk Ms Jones into going with me (she hates bad movies so I'll have to hide the reviews to have any shot at it).



Well-Known Member
Worry not, Hollywood will annihilate any real meaning that is/was present in the source material. The "Part 1" moniker is particularly amusing; it's a hint to the public masses that if we all would just watch this movie and believe it, that a second part would be forthcoming that would reveal even more truth.


Well-Known Member
Worry not, Hollywood will annihilate any real meaning that is/was present in the source material. The "Part 1" moniker is particularly amusing; it's a hint to the public masses that if we all would just watch this movie and believe it, that a second part would be forthcoming that would reveal even more truth.

edit: Don't get me wrong; watch the film for entertainment value. I just (not that my opinion is uber valuable) think it shouldn't be taken too seriously.


Well-Known Member
I saw "Arthur" this afternoon and was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was better than the original, although the music in the original was much better. Russell Brand did a very good job as Arthur, Jennifer Garner was a convincing Susan, and Helen Mirren turned in a strong performance as Hobson. There is a surprise (and sad) cameo in the role of Susan's father--the sad part is what has happened to this man's voice. You don't have to have seen the original to appreciate this one nor do you have to go to the theater to watch it as there are no special effects or need for surround sound.


Not really a movie,more a documentary but still worth renting if you like awesome visuals is IMAX 3D
An IMAX 3D camera chronicles the effort of 7 astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.
We don't have a 3D tv but I still found it visually captivating.The only drawback
was that it's narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio ,Patrick Stewart or Leonard Nimoy would've been much better choices.


golden ticket member
Rented King's Speech from Redbox. Loved it !! Geoffrey Rush was great in it. Got just a bit of an insight into the royal family and the quirkie things they do. It was neat knowing the little girls in the family were the future Queen Elizabeth and horse face princess Margaret.
I loved the movie!


Well-Known Member
Just came back from watching "Water For Elephants". Easily the best movie I have seen all year. A tragedy turns a young college student's life upside down. As he tries to figure out what his next move will be, he jumps aboard what turns out to be a circus train. His life will never be the same again. This is a "must see".


golden ticket member
We watched "Monsters" tonight. Rented it at RedBox........not worth the dollar!!!

Dumbest damn movie I've ever seen !!! :dissapointed:


Staff member
We watched "The Tempest" on the plane back from San Juan. It was THE WORST movie I've ever seen. I thought it was going to be some cool movie about a sailing ship caught in a storm. Instead..... well, I have no idea what it was about, it made no sense at all.


Well-Known Member
Watched "The Last Station" over the weekend, a historical drama of the last days of Leo Tolstoy starring Christopher Plummer as the great Russian writer. The film's title, noting Tolstoy's death at Astapovo train station, might in some sense seem to suggest it's a film about Tolstoy but instead it's more about Tolstoy's secretary Valentin Bulgakovin in the closing days of Tolstoy's life. This crumbling world as seen through Bulgakovin's eyes was a bit of a sad drama to the great mind that Tolstoy was. The brilliance and yet the madness of it all.

Plummer's portrayal of Tolstoy was dramatic and he portrayed Tolstoy as both human and yet in humor as well. Helen Mirren who portrays the wife Sofya was incredible and she as well as Plummer were nominated for Oscars as a result. With all the conflict, the one scene I found most pointed and yet most human of their relationship would be what I'd call the chicken scene in the bedroom. See the film and you'll understand. The conflict was there but deep in it all, peel away all the surface and the joy and love was still there.

The closing scenes and Tolstoy's requests for Sofya as the end nears also proves this great love was much deeper that all the philosophic ideals. Thus the even greater tragedy of those who twisted to keep these 2 apart at the end.

Really enjoyed the film!


Well-Known Member
Went to see "Win Win" today. It is an independent film which has not received a lot of press. Excellent movie. Paul Giammatti, Amy Ryan (Holly from The Office), Melanie Lynskey (Rose from 2.5 Men) and Burt Young (Paulie from Rocky) lead a cast of relative unknowns. This is the best movie I have seen this year. Add this one to your Netflix and make sure to have a full box of Kleenex nearby when you watch it.


Well-Known Member
Land of the Blind

A political film about how, metaphorically speaking, in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. Ralph Fiennes and Donald Sutherland make up the name brand cast, with Lara Flynn Boyle and Tom Hollander rounding out the cast; all turn in proper performances.

The film itself centers around the political upheaval following the succession of a son to the seat of his father, a dictator who has recently passed away. In that context, a prisoner/activist (Sutherland) is eventually freed and forms his own government (which is eerily similar to the Soviet Union), which is then considered the enemy of the people. Mr. Fiennes plays the neutral party in all this, the man who all governments would rather forget and who sees things as they really are; the eponymous one-eyed man.

Worth seeing if you can find it anywhere - hard to find.


Well-Known Member
Today was "Bridesmaids". Think of a tame female version of Hangover. It was OK---some parts were very funny and others not so much. Definitely not one to watch if you have little kids.

old levi's

blank space
Last movie I saw in a theater was Apollo 13. May have watched 1 or 2 movies at home since then. If they never made another movie it wouldn't bother me.