movie review


golden ticket member
We rented "The Rite" with Anthony Hopkins. It's kind of spooky. Turns out the 'make me jump' moment is a cat jumping.....gets me everytime! It's based on a true story......the 2 main characters are priests out in the world.


Well-Known Member
Finally had a chance to go see "Super 8" today. The movie critic for our local newspaper lives on my area, knows I am a movie buff and told me that it was a "must see"--he was right. The train wreck is worth the price of admission alone. Easily the best movie so far this year. Do not wait for the DVD unless you have a kick-ass surround sound system.


golden ticket member
Just watched Battle Los Angeles................the Marines vs. aliens. Hoo-rah !!

It was training at Camp Pendleton and on up to the Santa Monica airport to battle for L.A. It was a slowish movie and pretty loud. It only cost $1 to rent, so it was cheap entertainment that killed a couple hours.
Just watched Battle Los Angeles................the Marines vs. aliens. Hoo-rah !!

It was training at Camp Pendleton and on up to the Santa Monica airport to battle for L.A. It was a slowish movie and pretty loud. It only cost $1 to rent, so it was cheap entertainment that killed a couple hours.

Sex is free.


Don't cheat, do the work first.............

Be honest and don't look at the movie list below till you have done the math!

Try this test and find out what movie is your favorite.

This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of 18 movies you would enjoy the most.

It really works!

Movie Test:

Pick a number from 1-9.

Multiply by 3.

Add 3.

Multiply by 3 again.

Now add the two digits of your answer together to find your predicted favorite movie in the list of 18 movies below.

Movie List:
out of sight below

1. Gone With The Wind

2. E.T.

3. Blazing Saddles

4. Star Wars

5. Forrest Gump

6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

7. Jaws

8. Grease

9. The Obama farewell speech of 2012

10. Casablanca

11. Jurassic Park

12. Shrek

13. Pirates of the Caribbean

14. Titanic

15. Raiders Of The Lost Ark

16. Home Alone

17. Mrs. Doubtfire

18. Toy Story

Now, isn't that something..?

Cute: those steps are guaranteed to get you to a multiple of 9, and the individuals digits of a multiple of 9 always add up to 9.


golden ticket member
We rented & watched "Forget Me Not" tonight. Strange, strange movie. I don't quite get the story line entirely, but the "creatures" were neat.

I don't know if you recall in Carrie with Sissy Spacek, after the pig blood dropped on her, there was a shot of her in the road and she does a bit of a spin, but fake looking and causes the car coming at her to crash & burn...............that's the fakey movement of these creatures, but they're scary!



Well-Known Member
Saw Ridley Scott's Robin Hood over the weekend. Good movie and I found the political overtones which were subtle and not overpowering to the full story relating to our current day rather interesting. Scott's telling of the legend from the Robin Longstride POV to my knowledge is a first on film so I appreciated that. Crowe played a good Robin Hood and Cate Blanchett was a very good Lady Marian IMO. Loved seeing Max Von Sydow who I know in his advanced years will in the near future be calling it a day on films. Worth the see on cable, netflix, etc. IMO.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow afternoon is supposed to be stormy which may be a good time to go see "Bad Teacher". My daughter and what's his name gave me two free movie tix for Father's Day. I am saving the other for Larry Crowne.