movie review


golden ticket member
We just watched "Horrible Bosses". What a laugh riot !! I have never seen Jennifer Aniston play such a role.....she was funny.
Jamie Foxx was M.friend. Jones. It was a laugh a minute movie and I really enjoyed it. Also had Jason Bateman, Kevin Spacey.


Well-Known Member
Munchkin and I had a girls weekend due to the guys off deer hunting. We rented "Judy Mudy" from red box. Its a cute little movie for kids. Enough stuff in it to keeps parents attention as well. No deep meaning to this one, just a cute idea. I suggest for kids 5 and up. Little ones will get bored.
Munchkin and I had a girls weekend due to the guys off deer hunting. We rented "Judy Mudy" from red box. Its a cute little movie for kids. Enough stuff in it to keeps parents attention as well. No deep meaning to this one, just a cute idea. I suggest for kids 5 and up. Little ones will get bored.

Dads like it too!



golden ticket member
We rented "Good Neighbors" at Redbox. OMG....a Canadian movie about a serial killer!! You know, Canada doesn't have any crime. You can tell, because this was a horrible serial killer movie!! Don't waste any time & money on it.


golden ticket member
Tonight we watched the old Moby Dick. I watched, Bob fell asleep on the couch........that's a habit from his UPS days that just won't go away.
Queequeg was sure a strange character. Good movie.


Just watched "The hangover"...what a riot. I usually hate this stuff but it was really funny in parts.
Bachelor party in vegas ends up with mike Tysons tiger in the bathroom in the hotel,and chickens
and the groom missing....I had fun watching it.


Retired 23 years
We watched Larry Crowne with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts the other night. 1st movie I have watched in a long time. Really enjoyed it except for the ending. Its like they all of a sudden got tired of filming and decided to just end it.


golden ticket member
We watched Larry Crowne with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts the other night. 1st movie I have watched in a long time. Really enjoyed it except for the ending. Its like they all of a sudden got tired of filming and decided to just end it.
The Hammer and I have noticed this a lot lately. No one knows about creative closing anymore. We'll be watching and then we look at each other and say...."Is that it?"


golden ticket member
We watched Fright Night (the remake) tonight. I thought it was pretty good.
Even Chris Sarandon from the original had a small part in it. It was a freebie
from RedBox so, no complaints.



golden ticket member
We rented 'Margin Call' and watched it tonight. I was disappointed because I was expecting Wall Street and got something more like Glengarry Glen Ross.
I like Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons, Stanley Tucci & Demi.....but it wasn't what I expected. I didn't know what was going on in the first half, except that it was bad for everyone involved.
I didn't care for it much.


Well-Known Member
I went to see "Sherlock Holmes" last Saturday. Very good--better than the first. I plan on going to see "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" Saturday and "Warhorse" on Christmas Day.