movie review


Staff member
This afternoon, we watched "Bridesmaids". OMG !! I laughed so hard, so many times, I was choking. Melissa McCarthy , from Mike & Molly is a scream!

This was also Jill Clayburgh's last movie.

Funny movie!

My daughters Maid of Honor got that for her and Angie to watch the night before the wedding.


golden ticket member
Tonight..............From Dusk 'til Dawn numbers 1, 2, and 3 !!! Isn't Halloween time fun? I'm watching the old 'Fly' with Vincent Price right now.


I'm going to see Courageous, tomorrow. Anyone have a review?
Courageous was , AWESOME! It may not be the movie for you IF, you need special effects, unwarranted violence, cursing (not one curse word), sexual inuendo, sex or anything of that nature. There was Love, Truth, Justice, Faith. Please go see this one, it may be an eye opener.

On another note, I've been craving comedy and was gonna go to a local comedy club to see bobby Lee, but opted for Courageous. So tonight, I rented Bad Techer, on PPV. I totally regret that decision.
Courageous was , AWESOME! It may not be the movie for you IF, you need special effects, unwarranted violence, cursing (not one curse word), sexual inuendo, sex or anything of that nature. There was Love, Truth, Justice, Faith. Please go see this one, it may be an eye opener.

On another note, I've been craving comedy and was gonna go to a local comedy club to see bobby Lee, but opted for Courageous. So tonight, I rented Bad Techer, on PPV. I totally regret that decision.

Had to see both sides of the coin in one day,huh? :happy-very:

Going to try and take this one in with the daughter. Might be one up your alley.

The Mighty Macs - In Theaters Now


golden ticket member
I just love it when we get the beautiful holiday movies that make Christmas so special. Years ago, it was "It's a Wonderful Life", "Miracle on 34th Street", "White Christmas, etc.

This year's special entry is "Harold and Kumar's 3-D Christmas". :dissapointed:


Staff member
I just love it when we get the beautiful holiday movies that make Christmas so special. Years ago, it was "It's a Wonderful Life", "Miracle on 34th Street", "White Christmas, etc.

This year's special entry is "Harold and Kumar's 3-D Christmas". :dissapointed:

I'm kinda looking forward to that myself.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to see Courageous, tomorrow. Anyone have a review?

Steve, I went to see it yesterday. It was an excellent movie but I have to admit that it was a bit too religious for me. I liked the way the story lines developed and how the characters dealt with the tragedies that unfolded. I really liked the confusion over Javier.

As a father I walked out questioning whether I had simply been "good enough" or if I had been the father that I would have liked to have had as a child.


golden ticket member
Early Sunday morning....perfect time to watch............


golden ticket member
Now, it's the original "Halloween". Jamie Lee got paid $8,000 for her role. It was an extremely low budget movie that really caught on!!

"the prop department had to use the cheapest mask that they could find in the costume store: a Star Trek William Shatner mask. They later spray-painted the face white, teased out the hair, and reshaped the eye holes. Shatner admitted that for years he had no idea his likeness was used for this film. It was only during an interview that someone mentioned his mask was being used. He has since stated that he is honored by this gesture."

I'm sure Donald Pleasance never thought this would be a huge career boost.....just another role to put food on the table.


Steve, I went to see it yesterday. It was an excellent movie but I have to admit that it was a bit too religious for me. I liked the way the story lines developed and how the characters dealt with the tragedies that unfolded. I really liked the confusion over Javier.

As a father I walked out questioning whether I had simply been "good enough" or if I had been the father that I would have liked to have had as a child.
I disagree, only about the religion part. It was FAITH based, not religion. I would love for you to learn the difference between the two. I questioned my Father status, as well. I'm not half the Dad that those guys portrayed, but I did learn a few keys to help do a better job. I liked how there wasn't one curse word, throughout, and the way God's will was evident throughout.