movie review


golden ticket member
Today we rented "Final Destination 5". It was over the top gross, gory and good!!! I really liked it! I've seen them all, so I had to see this one too.


We watched one of the Final Destinations the other day. I think it was 2. Pretty good movie.

We watched Priest a little while ago. You'll like that one too More, if you haven't already seen it. Good movie. The ending left it wide open for a sequel.


golden ticket member
Battlefield Earth sucked. I don't think Travolta's much good, but even he didn't belong in this one.
It was a story reflecting his church's founder, L. Ron Hubbard's novel. I wonder if he even took any payment for it.

Found this....

Travolta, a long-time Scientologist, had sought for many years to make a film of the novel by Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. He was unable to obtain funding from any major studio due to concerns about the film's script, prospects, and connections with Scientology. The project was eventually taken on by an independent production company, Franchise Pictures, which specialized in rescuing stars' stalled pet projects. Travolta signed on as a co-producer and contributed millions of dollars of his own money to the production, which was largely funded by a German film distribution company. Franchise Pictures was later sued by its investors and was bankrupted after it emerged that it had fraudulently overstated the film's budget by $31 million.[SUP][4][/SUP]
Battlefield Earth was released on May 12, 2000. The film was a major commercial failure and critical flop and has been widely acknowledged as being one of the worst films ever made.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][[/SUP]


Staff member
It was a story reflecting his church's founder, L. Ron Hubbard's novel. I wonder if he even took any payment for it.

Found this....

Travolta, a long-time Scientologist, had sought for many years to make a film of the novel by Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. He was unable to obtain funding from any major studio due to concerns about the film's script, prospects, and connections with Scientology. The project was eventually taken on by an independent production company, Franchise Pictures, which specialized in rescuing stars' stalled pet projects. Travolta signed on as a co-producer and contributed millions of dollars of his own money to the production, which was largely funded by a German film distribution company. Franchise Pictures was later sued by its investors and was bankrupted after it emerged that it had fraudulently overstated the film's budget by $31 million.[SUP][4][/SUP]
Battlefield Earth was released on May 12, 2000. The film was a major commercial failure and critical flop and has been widely acknowledged as being one of the worst films ever made.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][[/SUP]

Ahh, good info. To be brutally honest, it was all we could do to sit thru it and watch it all. We decided (son and I) that it was even worse than Scorpion King 3 that we watched last week.


Staff member
Ahh, good info. To be brutally honest, it was all we could do to sit thru it and watch it all. We decided (son and I) that it was even worse than Scorpion King 3 that we watched last week.
Well, the book is pretty bad too. I've always been into sci-fi and I've read a lot of trashy sci-fi books but Battlefield Earth was awful, I barely made it through the first chapter before moving on.


golden ticket member
Well, the book is pretty bad too. I've always been into sci-fi and I've read a lot of trashy sci-fi books but Battlefield Earth was awful, I barely made it through the first chapter before moving on.
This is why I can't even believe they made a religion out of it.


Well-Known Member
Just came back from seeing "The Descendants". Very good movie. George Clooney leads a no-name cast in a well-written and directed movie. The film is set in Hawaii and the scenery is beautiful. The language is a bit much but it is appropriate for the movie. Add this one to your Netflix.

Our PDS and his family were going to see "Haywire" at the same time--I will ask him tomorrow how that one was.


Staff member
This is why I can't even believe they made a religion out of it.

"Science fiction editor and author Sam Moscowitz tells of the occasion when Hubbard spoke before the Eastern Science Fiction Association in Newark, New Jersey in 1947: `Hubbard spoke ... I don't recall his exact words; but in effect, he told us that writing science fiction for about a penny a word was no way to make a living. If you really want to make a million, he said, the quickest way is to start your own religion.'"


golden ticket member
"Science fiction editor and author Sam Moscowitz tells of the occasion when Hubbard spoke before the Eastern Science Fiction Association in Newark, New Jersey in 1947: `Hubbard spoke ... I don't recall his exact words; but in effect, he told us that writing science fiction for about a penny a word was no way to make a living. If you really want to make a million, he said, the quickest way is to start your own religion.'"
The practicing scientologists have to pay for all these auditings they have to do. It's interesting to read about all the things they believe in. So many stars are members!

I have a book sitting here...waiting for me to read called, "Scientology Abuse At The Top" by Amy Scobee. She was at the top for 20 years and left the church. I ended up having to order the book directly from the author because when I went to Amazon to get it, it was mysteriously is there now however.


Well-Known Member
Went to see "Big Miracle" this afternoon. This was the movie about the 3 whales trapped in the ice. It was better than I expected it to be. They did a very good job of incorporating actual news footage from 1988 in to the movie. There is a surprise video cameo by a former vice presidential candidate. I wouldn't rush to the theater for this one but would add it to my Netflix.

Spolier alert: Bam-Bam dies.


Went to see "Big Miracle" this afternoon. This was the movie about the 3 whales trapped in the ice. It was better than I expected it to be. They did a very good job of incorporating actual news footage from 1988 in to the movie. There is a surprise video cameo by a former vice presidential candidate. I wouldn't rush to the theater for this one but would add it to my Netflix.

Spolier alert: Bam-Bam dies.
Aaaaaaah, now why did ya have to go and do that? :deletesmiley2:
Rented on DVD:

50/50 : A dark comedy about a man who gets cancer and the friends around him. Thought it was good but I like everything that Joseph Gordon-Levitt does.

Drive : Better than I thought. Good mob movie.

Texas Killing Fields : Serial killer movie. Decent but a bit slow.

The Thing : Very good prequel of the 1982 John Carpenter movie. The extras documentary was also interesting to watch to see the effort done to blend seamlessly with the original movie.

In Time : Interest take on a sci-fi movie. Justin Timberlake does a better job than I thought he would.