movie review


golden ticket member
Years ago Jessica Lange swore she would never have plastic surgery like all of Hollywood does. She must've stuck to her guns.


Fenderbender sure see a lot of movies,we went to see chronicle 2012.
3 high school students obtain super powers.
A bit too much at the end like spiderman ,with all the indestructible smashing through buildings.
But I did walk out repeating to myself,absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Not a waste of money,but not a classic.


Guest sure see a lot of movies,we went to see chronicle 2012.
3 high school students obtain super powers.
A bit too much at the end like spiderman ,with all the indestructible smashing through buildings.
But I did walk out repeating to myself,absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Not a waste of money,but not a classic.

I saw it too, the kid didn't even need to knock over a convenience store, he could have used his powers to extract money from an atm.

I'm sure if Klein had seen the movie, he would have said all that tragedy could have been avoided if there were free medical benefits in the United States.



I saw it too, the kid didn't even need to knock over a convenience store, he could have used his powers to extract money from an atm.

I'm sure if Klein had seen the movie, he would have said all that tragedy could have been avoided if there were free medical benefits in the United States.
Ha true with the robbing a store crap..


Well-Known Member
You all may laugh, it is ok.. Just finished watching Hello Dolly with my wife on Encore.
What Choreography and clothes they wore. They just do not make movies like that any more.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
A couple of movies that my wife and I have gone to see recently...

"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" was a fairly good movie. I had a bit of a hard time following the plot at first because I havent read the book, but once I got the names figured out I was able to keep up. I personally had a very difficult time dealing with the extremely graphic rape scene, but my wife (who read the book) assured me that the rapist would get what he had coming in the end (and he did, no pun intended) so that made it a little easier. I give the movie a "B".

"The Decendants" with George Clooney was one of the 5 best movies I have ever seen in my life. It should have gotten an Oscar. I give it an A+++. Not a good movie to see if you are offended by harsh language. The father in me was a teeny bit bothered by the teen and preteen girls potty mouths, but it was a genuinely warm and funny and tearjerking movie at the same time. I have always been a George Clooney fan and he did an excellent job here.


Staff member
We watched Harlan County U.S.A. last night, powerful documentary about the Kentucky coal miner strike in the mid 70's. As a union member it's a reminder that a lot of the things we might take for granted at work like the good pay, healthcare benefits, etc weren't just handed out, they were fought for by earlier generations of workers who very often had nothing to lose.