movie review


golden ticket member
A couple of movies that my wife and I have gone to see recently...

"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" was a fairly good movie. I had a bit of a hard time following the plot at first because I havent read the book, but once I got the names figured out I was able to keep up. I personally had a very difficult time dealing with the extremely graphic rape scene, but my wife (who read the book) assured me that the rapist would get what he had coming in the end (and he did, no pun intended) so that made it a little easier. I give the movie a "B".

"The Decendants" with George Clooney was one of the 5 best movies I have ever seen in my life. It should have gotten an Oscar. I give it an A+++. Not a good movie to see if you are offended by harsh language. The father in me was a teeny bit bothered by the teen and preteen girls potty mouths, but it was a genuinely warm and funny and tearjerking movie at the same time. I have always been a George Clooney fan and he did an excellent job here.

That's good news for Clooney because he had some stinkers recently. I really like him and have since his E.R. days. I even liked him in Facts of Life, but he was a relative unknown then.


golden ticket member
I sure have enjoyed the Godfather movies and the Godfather Saga all this week. Today I watched Donnie Brasco for probably the 10th time....I never realized Paul Giamatti was in it too. Saw Goodfellas again too.

Weird to see Ray Liotta as a hot gangster as opposed to his role where Hannibal Lechter is frying his brains for agent Starling. Really runs the gamut!


golden ticket member
Did the Redbox thing and rented "The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo". It was a strange movie.....pretty good, but strange.

For the first minute or two I kept turning up the sound because I thought they were speaking a foreign language.......turns out the accents were just thick. Took a few minutes to get used to them.

This is one girl you don't want to mess with !!!!


golden ticket member
Rented "Carnage". Loved it. Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, John C. Reilly and Christopher Waltz. A Roman Polanski film.
Two couples meet over a bullying incident that took place between their sons at school. It's a comedy/drama.

Terrific writing........It all takes place in one of the couple's homes, so the dialogue is key to keeping your interest. No guns or bombs in this one.


Did the Redbox thing and rented "The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo". It was a strange movie.....pretty good, but strange.

For the first minute or two I kept turning up the sound because I thought they were speaking a foreign language.......turns out the accents were just thick. Took a few minutes to get used to them.

This is one girl you don't want to mess with !!!!
We saw this one in the theater. I thought it a very good movie as well. Very dark but good. I want to read the books.


golden ticket member
I heard a comment and it made sense to me.

There's a movie out there about bullying but it's rated 'R' and therefore the target audience can't go see it, yet it would have a good lesson for them. It contains a language the teens of today never heard a swear word....think Cee Lo.

Then there's "Hunger Games" where teens kill each other for food and it's a 'PG13' rating and OK for kids to see.

Something's wrong with this.


Staff member
I heard a comment and it made sense to me.

There's a movie out there about bullying but it's rated 'R' and therefore the target audience can't go see it, yet it would have a good lesson for them. It contains a language the teens of today never heard a swear word....think Cee Lo.

Then there's "Hunger Games" where teens kill each other for food and it's a 'PG13' rating and OK for kids to see.

Something's wrong with this.
The whole movie rating system is a kinda shady, check out This Film is Not Yet Rated for an interesting look at it.


golden ticket member
For a couple of weeks I've been checking Redbox for the movie "The Skin I live In". I was talking to a lady and she asked what movie I was waiting for and I told her. She said it was a very good movie. You'd think she would've told me about the subtitles !! I read the RedBox review and never noticed 'subtitles' mentioned.

I just spent 2 hours reading subtitles from a Spanish movie with Antonio Banderas. I'm not sure if it was good or not. When I saw it was subtitles, I was ready to eject it and fuggedaboutit!! I couldn't turn it off. I wanted to see where it was going.

Hubby actually stayed awake for it and said, "It really wasn't that bad." That's a raging endorsement!


Staff member
For a couple of weeks I've been checking Redbox for the movie "The Skin I live In". I was talking to a lady and she asked what movie I was waiting for and I told her. She said it was a very good movie. You'd think she would've told me about the subtitles !! I read the RedBox review and never noticed 'subtitles' mentioned.

I just spent 2 hours reading subtitles from a Spanish movie with Antonio Banderas. I'm not sure if it was good or not. When I saw it was subtitles, I was ready to eject it and fuggedaboutit!! I couldn't turn it off. I wanted to see where it was going.

Hubby actually stayed awake for it and said, "It really wasn't that bad." That's a raging endorsement!
Whenever we watch foreign films we always choose the subtitles instead of the english dubbing, I think you get much truer sense of the director's vision that way. With dubbing I think you almost always lose some things in translation. I want to see that movie btw.


golden ticket member
Watched "Tower Heist" tonight. Lots of names in that one. Alan Alda, Ben Stiller, Casey Affleck, Eddie Murphy, Matthew Broderick, Tea Leoni and Judd Hirsch.

Lots of parts of it were sort of unbelievable, but it's a comedy, not a true story. It's worth the Redbox rental fee.


Well-Known Member
I have been looking forward to the re-release of Titanic in 3-D and was not disappointed. I forgot just how good of a movie it was and the 3-D made it just that much better. There were a few scenes where the 3-D actually put the character in the foreground out of focus for a few seconds but beyond that the 3-D enhanced the experience.

If you do go keep in mind it is 193 minutes long. In other words, make sure you go before you go.

Finding Nemo is being re-released in 3-D this fall.


Staff member
I have been looking forward to the re-release of Titanic in 3-D and was not disappointed. I forgot just how good of a movie it was and the 3-D made it just that much better. There were a few scenes where the 3-D actually put the character in the foreground out of focus for a few seconds but beyond that the 3-D enhanced the experience.

If you do go keep in mind it is 193 minutes long. In other words, make sure you go before you go.

Finding Nemo is being re-released in 3-D this fall.
I remember being amazed at that movie when it came out. Maybe we'll catch that 3d version.


golden ticket member
Watched 'The Song of Bernadette' ('43) this mornng on TCM. One of the few black & white movies I will watch. Jennifer Jones was sure pretty.


Well-Known Member
Watched the film State of Play with Russell Crowe and Ben Affleck. Thought provoking film with real world overtones.