movie review


Staff member
Probably the only movie I'll ever see before Upstate....


Big disappointment. Totally ripped off Alien (I know, it was supposed to), but Alien was a far superior movie. All the actors in Prometheus did their jobs, but you never connected with them. You never cared about them.
We saw the 3D version, but I don't feel it was necessary or worth the extra money. Special effects were good.
The only recognizable actor was Charlize Theron, playing a hugely under-developed character. Anyone could have played the role.

As Upstate would say, wait till it's on Netflix.
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Staff member
Saw this one today. Excellent movie. Charlize Theron and Kirsten Stewart both turn in stellar performances in a well written/directed/cast movie which is told from the perspective of the wicked witch. The special effects are outstanding. It is rated PG-13---I think had it been rated R it would have been a darker (and perhaps better) movie but they would have lost part of their potential audience. If you are looking for something to do this weekend I suggest adding this to your list.
We saw it this morning, it was ok imho. Charlize Theron was pretty good, the rest of the cast was just average though that's probably more a reflection of the writing/directing than their acting abilities. Visually it was a treat but I pretty much expect that these days from any movie with a decent budget. It dragged a little bit in places and the last 30 minutes or so was pretty bad starting with Kristen Stewart's "Brave Heart" speech which was painful, she really couldn't pull it off in addition to which I'm getting tired of seeing that scene shoehorned into every single movie which has a climactic battle. I really liked the dark take on a classic fairy tale and wanted to like this movie more than I did, but it was still worth the money.


Well-Known Member
Probably the only movie I'll ever see before Upstate....


Big disappointment. Totally ripped off Alien (I know, it was supposed to), but Alien was a far superior movie. All the actors in Prometheus did their jobs, but you never connected with them. You never cared about them.
We saw the 3D version, but I don't feel it was necessary or worth the extra money. Special effects were good.
The only recognizable actor was Charlize Theron, playing a hugely under-developed character. Anyone could have played the role.

As Upstate would say, wait till it's on Netflix.

I read this and should have listened to you. The special effects were very good and I liked the actress who played Dr. Shaw. Charlize Theron was forgettable.

The captain was Charles from The Office--you know, the black guy who all the women fawned over.

I saw the 2D version and am glad I didn't waste the money on 3D.

I should have waited for Netflix.


Well-Known Member
Went to see "Rock of Ages" this afternoon. When they said it was a musical I thought, yeah, right, there are a few songs-----this is a musical!! There is very little real dialogue; however, if you are a fan of music from the '80s you will love this movie and, yes, you must see it in the theater to get the full effect. They did an awesome job of intertwining lyrics from different songs to create a cohesive plot. From what I could tell each of the actors did their own signing.

Tom Cruise did an amazing job of getting in to his character. He has a pet monkey called "Hey-Man", tons of groupies and two ex-wrestlers for bodyguards.

This is a must-see if only to hear all of these songs in 5.1 surround sound.

If you go make sure you stay through the credits.


Well-Known Member
I heard it opened with Night Ranger!!

Damn, I hate going to the theater.
It sounds like I have no choice.

If you have a kick ass surround system you may be able to wait but to really get the full effect of the songs you need to hear it in Dolby 5.1 surround sound.

There is an interesting plot twist with Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand.


Well-Known Member
Today was the new Steve Carrell movie--Seeking a Friend for the End of the World--save your money--it sucks.

There was a cool cameo toward the end and the music was really good but the premise of the movie and the script they had to work with sucked.


Staff member
Probably the only movie I'll ever see before Upstate....


Big disappointment. Totally ripped off Alien (I know, it was supposed to), but Alien was a far superior movie. All the actors in Prometheus did their jobs, but you never connected with them. You never cared about them.
We saw the 3D version, but I don't feel it was necessary or worth the extra money. Special effects were good.
The only recognizable actor was Charlize Theron, playing a hugely under-developed character. Anyone could have played the role.

As Upstate would say, wait till it's on Netflix.

Finally got around to seeing this (in 3D). We liked it and definitely thought it was worth seeing in the theater but I can understand why you didn't as there really weren't any sympathetic characters, I was pretty much rooting for the robot.


golden ticket member
Questions came to mind this morning as to why Hollywood can't come up with good story lines (neither can TV) anymore. All they do is remake or make sequels to movies that we liked.

I'm a closet Pauly Shore fan and watched Encino Man this morning.

It's silly-ass for sure, but the story is good......finding a perma-frosted caveman and trying to blend him in with the teenagers and hide his identity from adults. It's a good idea. Why are all the writers now brain-blocked?


Staff member
Questions came to mind this morning as to why Hollywood can't come up with good story lines (neither can TV) anymore. All they do is remake or make sequels to movies that we liked.

I 100% agree with that. I had high hopes for that Prometheus movie cuz SciFi movies for us nerds are few and far between. But all it was was another classic movie ripoff.

Why can't they come up with new ideas???


Staff member
We watched The Grey last night, it wasn't bad. I liked the overall theme but it was a little too talky in places.