Not any more typical than for drivers. Most management divorce is over the time hubby or wife spends with UPS instead of with spouse.
Also kinda funny how on one hand there is a great outcry to keep this marriage together, but yet from the Man laws post, there is every indication that most of you give your spouses a real reason to leave. Even if you dont come home with hair in your teeth, the only difference between your posts and his deeds is the motel room.
Sorry, cant have it both ways. Either you get married and stay that way for all the right reasons, or you play the field. And when you play the field, you gets what you gots coming. Seen too many drivers try both and get neither.
Just for ye Ole mule, we had a sup shagging the wife of another sup. They at one time were best friends. All that ever happened was one of them got a transfer to another center. Can you guess which one it was?
So getting your hubby fired is not in your list of options. But it would seem that you are letting your emotions carry your brains down the path to having nothing.
BTW, you sure its another woman? Maybe after several years of you, another woman might be the last thing on his mind?
d PS, I rest my case. So interested in keeping your face in the limelight you have to just post anything to bump it up?
If you are that much of a nag, I would think the BTW could be a real case scenario. Maybe if you looked inward with the honesty you profess to be sharing here you might see a problem.