THE ONLY NAG ON THIS THREAD SEEMS TO BE......HMMMMM!get off yor high horse buddy LMAONot any more typical than for drivers. Most management divorce is over the time hubby or wife spends with UPS instead of with spouse.
If you are that much of a nag, I would think the BTW could be a real case scenario. Maybe if you looked inward with the honesty you profess to be sharing here you might see a problem.
Tie, she is not talking about you is she?
Lady/troll, first off, here it is you try to come off as the hurt victim of an unfaithful UPS manager, then within a couple of posts you are hitting on one of the posters here?
ME thinks you have a freeway twixt your legs, and crap for brain.
Get a life.
Dannyboy, I thought his message was funny so I was trying to get a laugh. Not quite into dating yet.
P.S. I never said I was a victim that is your interpretation. I am a very strong survivor, I am just trying to get him and her fired. I'm not looking for anyone's tears if you read my inital posting you will see that.
PLEASE enlighten me