My little piece of plane..


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Thanks to pkgdriver for finding the right link and DS for posting the pictures, I was looking on different aviation sites like , ,and the FAA's. I knew that UPS had bought its first planes from Braniff after they went into bankruptcy. I had a Corp guy tell me they were in such bad shape, they had to just about be completely rebuilt. My father was once a pilot, I have always had in interest in aircraft. I used to take my kids to air shows and I am particularly interested in the old WWII Warbirds.
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Well-Known Member
It takes more than dumb luck to stay in business for 100 years. UPS, the world’s world's largest global transportation company, felt the need to thank its people, especially the “industrial athletes”, for providing a service so vital in today’s world, and to recognize them for their extensive dedication.

BTW, Eskew marks his 35th anniversary with the company this year and will be selecting an anniversary gift from a company catalog; he's thinking about a bicycle, which would be symbolic considering the company's beginnings. What a humble man…

A recent Gallup survey states, "If your employees are 'fully engaged', your customers will be 70 more loyal, your turnover will drop by 70 percent, and your profits will jump 40 percent."

I would much rather have heard about a drawing at each location of the Road Show where someone could have won a nice prize like cash, tickets to a local event, or even a nice gift basket; which can be written off as a business expense. But Big Brown pulls out all the stops and hands out artifacts.

Beware, ERI scores, beware... :crying:


Working for the airline I thought this was kind of cool -- cheap but cool. A little trivia - N907UP was our first A/C, someone back then decided to skip a few "N" numbers and use 907 as the first registration in honor of "1907".


Well-Known Member
Just a thought-who decides what the Founders day gift will be every year? Is that the CEO's job, or is there a committee that wastes the money?


Retired 23 years
I went to an after work retirement party for a friend tonight. The word had gotten out that I was curious about what this gee gaa looked like so the next thing I know I have 4 of them sitting on my table donated to me. Hell- any more and I can start production on my own plane.:)


Retired 23 years
Actually I kept one, gave one to my brother- in- law who is also retired from UPS and the other 2 disappeared. It don't seem to be a problem getting one from those that are still working for the Brown Machine. If I would of known earlier I would of gladly snagged you one.


Retired 23 years
I just checked E-bay. Someone is trying to sell one. Opening bid is $5.99 with $6.00 shipping charge. Can you believe there are no bids.


Well-Known Member
Ok sure enough these have made their way to E-Bay. However strangely enough one seller is in Louisville, KY. And the other seller offers fast shipping's coming.....USPS!! TADA!!!! No bids on either and price starts at $0.99. WOW!!!


Well-Known Member
Took my ERI on Friday as well. New centre manager has been here for 4 weeks and I have just started back after 2 weeks holiday. I was told to base my answers on the time he has been in charge.

Hardly seems worth it really.


Well-Known Member
Judging from the toy recalls, this Chineese aluminum may actually be lead. So be careful. In the State of California, lead is known to cause cancer. (Granger, a customer on my route, has to that warning label on the outbound boxes going to Ca.)

So where are the two toilets from the 727? Are they aluminum plated in Atlanta?


New Member
we in the uk got our piece of ups p80 from china -didnt know they had p80s in china! oh well we may even get time off with our kids during the school holidays one year.....opps too late my eldest has just left, and my youngest leaves in three years....maybe not....we hate ups!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Got my "gift" today. The supervisor that gave it to me was Very proud to say that UPS made 250,000 of them to give out.

I told him that UPS has over 400,000 employees so at least 150,000 are out of luck.

He seemed suprised by this info. I think I took a little joy out of his "gift-giving-speech"

I have spent the rest of the day trying to unlock the 'secret code' that will open the metal to reveal my "cash bonus" that I really wanted..

So far no luck...

If we put the pieces together maybe we can make our own plane?


I talked to my manager about this last week. He, in turn, knows the guy who handled the ordering of this souvenir. Believe it or not, this was actually a really expensive trinket. Chopping up the plane, hauling all the pieces to a smelter, melting the metal into ingots and then getting them stamped was not that cheap. Plus, as one poster noted, they didn't stamp enough for everyone. So, maybe it will be worth something someday.

Personally, I think it's pretty cool but I'm a plane nut.