Nancy Pelosi's husband attacked in family home

Absolutely no one believes the story the media is trying to sell about this (what else is new) The guy was let into their house. There’s not a pigs ass chance in the slaughterhouse you could get within a 10 mile radius of their house otherwise given the security they have. And if he did break in then where’s the footage ?

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm still confused as to why did the alleged attacker waited until the cops were in the house to strike.
Was he waiting for an audience ?
I think Pelosi tried to win his attacker over and de-escalate the situation with words. Why he was on the phone calling the attacker his friend during the 911 call in front of the attacker. To be mentally prepared to bludgeon someone to death with a hammer takes a lot of experience with violence, I think this attacker didn’t have a history of extremely violent acts or Paul would of died a brutal death in his home.

I think once police arrived Paul made a go for the hammer and that sent this man over the edge, causing him to bludgeon Paul cracking his skull.

El Correcto

god is dead
Absolutely no one believes the story the media is trying to sell about this (what else is new) The guy was let into their house. There’s not a pigs ass chance in the slaughterhouse you could get within a 10 mile radius of their house otherwise given the security they have. And if he did break in then where’s the footage ?
Nancy Pelosi wasn’t home and tax payers don’t provide security for Paul Pelosi.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I think Pelosi tried to win his attacker over and de-escalate the situation with words. Why he was on the phone calling the attacker his friend during the 911 call in front of the attacker. To be mentally prepared to bludgeon someone to death with a hammer takes a lot of experience with violence, I think this attacker didn’t have a history of extremely violent acts or Paul would of died a brutal death in his home.

I think once police arrived Paul made a go for the hammer and that sent this man over the edge, causing him to bludgeon Paul cracking his skull.
That is a much more reasonable account of what probably happened.


Well-Known Member
I think Pelosi tried to win his attacker over and de-escalate the situation with words. Why he was on the phone calling the attacker his friend during the 911 call in front of the attacker. To be mentally prepared to bludgeon someone to death with a hammer takes a lot of experience with violence, I think this attacker didn’t have a history of extremely violent acts or Paul would of died a brutal death in his home.

I think once police arrived Paul made a go for the hammer and that sent this man over the edge, causing him to bludgeon Paul cracking his skull.

This is a very reasonable, sensible theory.

But you left out the funny part in the beginning where a dirty old goat and a mentally ill homeless person were buggering the bejeezus out of each other in Nancy Pelosi's home.
Nancy Pelosi wasn’t home and tax payers don’t provide security for Paul Pelosi.
They don’t need to: he’s worth the gdp of a small nation. It’s their house. Either this thing was set up as an October surprise to try and gain sympathy for those two satanic goblins or more likely, Paulie boy got caught with a male prostitute after they had a dispute


Well-Known Member
Absolutely no one believes the story the media is trying to sell about this (what else is new) The guy was let into their house. There’s not a pigs ass chance in the slaughterhouse you could get within a 10 mile radius of their house otherwise given the security they have. And if he did break in then where’s the footage ?
A 10 mile radius would cover all of San Francisco and then some. They live on a street that doesn't appear to be in a gated community.


Well-Known Member
I think Pelosi tried to win his attacker over and de-escalate the situation with words. Why he was on the phone calling the attacker his friend during the 911 call in front of the attacker. To be mentally prepared to bludgeon someone to death with a hammer takes a lot of experience with violence, I think this attacker didn’t have a history of extremely violent acts or Paul would of died a brutal death in his home.

I think once police arrived Paul made a go for the hammer and that sent this man over the edge, causing him to bludgeon Paul cracking his skull.
He also called the man by name on the 911 call. Seemed pretty familiar with him.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Too many people seem overly interested in the comings and goings of one crazy old man and his equally crazy young boy toy.


Strength through joy

The San Francisco field office, like the bureau’s Washington, D.C. headquarters and many other offices across the country, is mired in scandal. It’s particularly true as it relates to the FBI’s cozy ties to Big Tech—and the San Francisco FBI office is ground zero for that quid pro quo relationship. Rather than investigate the nearly 300 Big Tech companies within its Silicon Valley jurisdiction for various offenses such as election interference, the San Francisco FBI office appears instead to be in cahoots with these powerful corporate interests to do the Democratic Party’s dirty work.

Few people benefit more than Nancy Pelosi, who of course happens to live in San Francisco. Democratic candidates and lawmakers are flush with campaign donations from Big Tech; in 2020 alone, Facebook and Twitter—the latter located in Pelosi’s congressional district and the former located just outside its boundaries—donated at least $5.5 million to Democrats and only a paltry $435,000 to Republicans, a 12-1 ratio in favor of Pelosi’s party. Conversely, threats made by leading Democrats to break up Big Tech or hold congressional hearings into alleged malfeasance have been slow-walked since Pelosi reclaimed the speaker’s gavel.


Well-Known Member
Where did you get the idea you have a right to know about this?
Because the narrative is being used for political purposes that affect me. We all have a right to know if the house of the speaker of the house was attacked and how.

If they want to cease using it for any political purposes, then I suppose they don't have to share it with me. That's cool.

But you can't keep all direct evidence under wraps, and then go on public tirades.