Nashville School Shooting


Well-Known Member
So what's so special about this mass shooting? We've only had 129 so far this year and we're only into March. It happened on a Monday and so come Friday it like all other mass shootings will be out of the headlines and forgotten.

The next big battle will be between the Presbyterian Church and it's insurer over who has to settle up with the families of the victims and if it's determined that there was a security failure on the part of the school administration then the Presbyterian Church might have to fork over a few of it's many, many privately held and closely guarded millions.

Oh there might be a few hours of debate in the Tennessee state legislature regarding security at private Christian schools but the Jesus lobby will rain fire and brimstone down on the members of the legislature bringing an immediate end to the matter.

And there might be talk of a gun bill...again. But once again the Second Amendment junkies will be jumping around like stud horses while the gun manufacturers stuff the campaign coffers of Congress full of cash the debate ends right there and once again a gun bill won't even be introduced let alone one that even gets out of committee.

So just exactly what the hell difference does it make that the alleged shooter was a transsexual? The gun junkies have nothing to fear....Nobody's coming to take their guns from them. At the same time however they might have to fork over more cash in the form of higher taxes...perhaps a lot more in order to pay for even tighter security at soft targets like public buildings. Then again all many of them have is their 20 year old truck and their arsenal of guns making certain to stand guard over them in case the United Nation's helicopter shows up . Right after they've sent the old woman down to the county welfare office to signup for food stamps and WIC.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Are we getting tranny defensive rhetoric yet like we see when Muslims blow up buildings? "Peaceful religion"...


Well-Known Member
One thing we can rule out here is it wasn’t the fed carrying out the shooting they’d never murder anyone for a narrative especially not kids! They’re such caring individuals


Well-Known Member
I think I understand your point of view.

Very challenging times.

Are you doing anything to be a contributor to and of positive change?
Try to talk to people who will listen what else can you do right now. Problem is things aren’t necessarily bad enough yet that enough people are angry. One thing you can be sure of is almost everything you see on television is a lie


Well-Known Member
That’s the main problem as shown with the scamdemic people don’t wanna listen until it’s too late. It’s all a conspiracy theory until it’s a fact


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.