Nashville School Shooting


Well-Known Member
How many of those 129 were in the hood and when can we all start talking about them? Or would it still be racist to do so?

What's special about this one is that it's not one of the unmentionable ones.

List of mass shootings in the United States in 2023 - Wikipedia
Left should just imagine they were butchered in the womb by a “doctor” instead of with bullets then they’d celebrate. It’s laughable to think that any life has meaning to them

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
The symptoms of a sick society.


Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
Something very wrong is happening.

Parents and the neighborhood are no longer involved with their children. It takes a village comes to mind. Count how many are being taught by screens next time you go out. This is all by design, but that’s just me being the cynic that I am. People need to stop and appreciate what’s in front of them and slow down.


Well-Known Member
How many of those 129 were in the hood and when can we all start talking about them? Or would it still be racist to do so?

What's special about this one is that it's not one of the unmentionable ones.

List of mass shootings in the United States in 2023 - Wikipedia
Another whataboutism I see. And your point is? My point was very plain. Like all the other mass shootings America will simply shrug it's shoulders and move on to the next mass shooting It has been 24 years since Columbine. And as ABC News pointed out last night in it's coverage the Covenant shooting 175 kids have been gunned down in school and college mass shootings.

And what will be to prevent more of the same?.....Nothing. Covenant will just like Columbine and Parkland and Sandy Hook become another statistic another historical footnote. The American people simply shrug their shoulders and simply say...."oh well".


Well-Known Member
Another whataboutism I see. And your point is? My point was very plain. Like all the other mass shootings America will simply shrug it's shoulders and move on to the next mass shooting It has been 24 years since Columbine. And as ABC News pointed out last night in it's coverage the Covenant shooting 175 kids have been gunned down in school and college mass shootings.

And what will be to prevent more of the same?.....Nothing. Covenant will just like Columbine and Parkland and Sandy Hook become another statistic another historical footnote. The American people simply shrug their shoulders and simply say...."oh well".
But I’m sure you cheer the police using their weapons to take down the shooter?


Well-Known Member
Another whataboutism I see. And your point is? My point was very plain. Like all the other mass shootings America will simply shrug it's shoulders and move on to the next mass shooting It has been 24 years since Columbine. And as ABC News pointed out last night in it's coverage the Covenant shooting 175 kids have been gunned down in school and college mass shootings.

And what will be to prevent more of the same?.....Nothing. Covenant will just like Columbine and Parkland and Sandy Hook become another statistic another historical footnote. The American people simply shrug their shoulders and simply say...."oh well".
It's terrible that all that has happened. But why don't gun control advocates talk about all the lives saved because a potential victim was armed? I would like to know how many perpetrators of these school or mass shootings were atheists? I recall the Columbine shooters asked one girl mockingly did she believe in Jesus before killing her. Seems people who protect themselves and their families with guns have good reason to with all the folks out there who don't believe in God and have hatred towards Christians.


Well-Known Member
It's terrible that all that has happened. But why don't gun control advocates talk about all the lives saved because a potential victim was armed? I would like to know how many perpetrators of these school or mass shootings were atheists? I recall the Columbine shooters asked one girl mockingly did she believe in Jesus before killing her. Seems people who protect themselves and their families with guns have good reason to with all the folks out there who don't believe in God and have hatred towards Christians.
“Gun control advocates” just want guns out of the hands of their political enemies. They don’t care about anything other than that, which is how you know they plan these shootings intentionally. Not only do they not want them to stop they depend on them continuing

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
So what's so special about this mass shooting? We've only had 129 so far this year and we're only into March.
How many of those 129 were in the hood and when can we all start talking about them? Or would it still be racist to do so?

What's special about this one is that it's not one of the unmentionable ones.

List of mass shootings in the United States in 2023 - Wikipedia
Another whataboutism I see. And your point is?

You asked what's so special about this mass shooting. I answered your question with pertinent information.

The left won't talk about mass shootings that involve black shooters and black victims. Yet they'll still point to the aggregate number of mass shootings when raising concerns after shootings that involve white shooters and white victims. Sounds pretty disingenuous to me. Maybe even a little racist.