Nashville School Shooting


Well-Known Member
But I’m sure you cheer the police using their weapons to take down the shooter?
Perhaps with some controls on who can own guns and the religious school had spent some money on security there is a good chance the police would not have been called in the first place.


Well-Known Member
You asked what's so special about this mass shooting. I answered your question with pertinent information.

The left won't talk about mass shootings that involve black shooters and black victims. Yet they'll still point to the aggregate number of mass shootings when raising concerns after shootings that involve white shooters and white victims. Sounds pretty disingenuous to me. Maybe even a little racist.
Because again they just want their political enemies to be disarmed that’s their one and only agenda


Well-Known Member
Perhaps with some controls on who can own guns and the religious school had spent some money on security there is a good chance the police would not have been called in the first place.
I so you avoid the question with a nonsense answer?

The fact is you have no answers.

And reality is a good he/him with a gun, took down a bad he/him with a gun.

Oh, we will guard the things we treasure with weapons the Brinks truck full of money has a guy with a gun. No questions asked.

The President of the United States has guys with guns no question asked

Our kids will just leave it up to the police who take 5 to 10 minutes to get there because when second matter police are Just minutes away.

Your philosophy gets people killed
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Well-Known Member
I so you avoid the question with a nonsense answer it?

The fact is you have no answers.

And reality is a good he/him with a gun, took down a bad he/him with a gun.

Oh, we will guard the things we treasure with weapons the Brinks truck full of money has a guy with a gun. No questions asked.

The President of the United States has guys with guns no question asked

Our kids will just leave it up to the police who take 5 to 10 minutes to get there because when second matter police are Just minutes away.

Your philosophy gets people killed
An armed society is a safe society and a free society. Otherwise you’re just slaves. The left wants you to be slaves


Well-Known Member
You know I’ve never heard of a shooting at a stadium or any sports arena possibly because they have armed security every few feet and because most sports fans are conservatives who love themselves and love God and take care of their bodies etc


Well-Known Member
You asked what's so special about this mass shooting. I answered your question with pertinent information.

The left won't talk about mass shootings that involve black shooters and black victims. Yet they'll still point to the aggregate number of mass shootings when raising concerns after shootings that involve white shooters and white victims. Sounds pretty disingenuous to me. Maybe even a little racist.
Ok, you've listed grievances several times....Now let's see what you've got in the way of solutions and deterrents that might be worth a try.


Well-Known Member
I so you avoid the question with a nonsense answer it?

The fact is you have no answers.

And reality is a good he/him with a gun, took down a bad he/him with a gun.

Oh, we will guard the things we treasure with weapons the Brinks truck full of money has a guy with a gun. No questions asked.

The President of the United States has guys with guns no question asked

Our kids will just leave it up to the police who take 5 to 10 minutes to get there because when second matter police are Just minutes away.

Your philosophy gets people killed
Ok, so show us your list of proposed solutions and deterrents you think are worth a try.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you've listed grievances several times....Now let's see what you've got in the way of solutions and deterrents that might be worth a try.
There was a huge reduction in crime when they actually enforced the law and put people in prison. We certainly could do more to be proactive with mental health.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I so you avoid the question with a nonsense answer it?

The fact is you have no answers.

And reality is a good he/him with a gun, took down a bad he/him with a gun.

Oh, we will guard the things we treasure with weapons the Brinks truck full of money has a guy with a gun. No questions asked.

The President of the United States has guys with guns no question asked

Our kids will just leave it up to the police who take 5 to 10 minutes to get there because when second matter police are Just minutes away.

Your philosophy gets people killed

I wish the school had hired armed security. It's a mistake for any religious school to not have it in a world in which trans activists constantly argue that those who do not agree with trans ideology are a threat to their very existence.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you've listed grievances several times....Now let's see what you've got in the way of solutions and deterrents that might be worth a try.
The same deterrent that you are so happy about when the United States federal government employees weapons
all over the world, cold, hard steel is the best deterrent.


Well-Known Member
I wish the school had hired armed security. It's a mistake for any religious school to not have it in a world in which trans activists constantly argue that those who do not agree with trans ideology are a threat to their very existence.
Probably going to see more security now or the less prosperous schools might shut down because they can't afford it and parents become fearful.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so show us your list of proposed solutions and deterrents you think are worth a try.
You obviously didn’t read the statement I already gave you the answer. Armed security for your valuables just like Brinks truck but even that it’s just a deterrent sorry, it’s a big boy and a big girl world, and nothing is for sure.


Well-Known Member
There was a huge reduction in crime when they actually enforced the law and put people in prison. We certainly could do more to be proactive with mental health.
This all comes down to the same More cops, more prosecutors, more jails, etc. This all costs money. I was watching the other day what was going on over in Pa. Former AG and now governor Josh Shapiro in his budget address provides more money for more state cops to cover not only for the growing number of retired PSP leaving the force but increasing the size of the force in the coming years but more money for local municipal law enforcement.

Now after hollering for years for stepped up law enforcement what's the first thing Pa GOP legislators were wringing their hands about? They say this action would contribute to the state running a deficit in two years.


Strength through joy
Here's some insight that most will never know.

Almost immediately, Covenant School shooter Audrey Hale’s Instagram account was deactivated. Shortly after, the public lost access to her Facebook, LinkedIn, even her Redbubble. What don’t the heads of these sites want you to see?
As of late Monday, her LinkedIn profile was still up, providing more insight into her professional career as a cat sitter, personal grocery shopper, and graphic designer. It functioned as the key giveaway she was aiming to present masculinely, with links showing the name “Aiden,” not Audrey. The page has since been removed.
Hale’s LinkedIn originally featured redirects to Hale’s professional accounts: her Redbubble, a centralized marketplace for freelance artists; her Facebook page, called “Aiden Creates;” and her personal website, AH Illustrations.
The sites monitored by larger companies now bring you to an empty page with an error message.


Well-Known Member
You obviously didn’t read the statement I already gave you the answer. Armed security for your valuables just like Brinks truck but even that it’s just a deterrent sorry, it’s a big boy and a big girl world, and nothing is for sure.
Armed security for your valuables? But what if you have no valuables? You don't even own the home you live in? So how are you going to afford professional security? Then again you can rent a bank safe deposit box for you valuables.


Well-Known Member
This all comes down to the same More cops, more prosecutors, more jails, etc. This all costs money. I was watching the other day what was going on over in Pa. Former AG and now governor Josh Shapiro in his budget address provides more money for more state cops to cover not only for the growing number of retired PSP leaving the force but increasing the size of the force in the coming years but more money for local municipal law enforcement.

Now after hollering for years for stepped up law enforcement what's the first thing Pa GOP legislators were wringing their hands about? They say this action would contribute to the state running a deficit in two years.
L O L aren’t you the same person that was just castigating another person for whataboutism?
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Well-Known Member
Armed security for your valuables? But what if you have no valuables? You don't even own the home you live in? So how are you going to afford professional security? Then again you can rent a bank safe deposit box for you valuables.
You don’t consider children valuable? Did my monthly visit to my state capital and guess what they got arm security, I guess they’re more valuable than kids to you.

We’re talking about mass shootings not breaking and entering at home. I got that covered don’t worry.


Well-Known Member
You don’t consider children valuable? Did my monthly visit to my state capital and guess what they got arm security, I guess they’re more valuable than kids to you.

We’re talking about mass shootings not breaking and entering at home. I got that covered don’t worry.
Oh so suddenly you've switched from valuables such as hard assets to soft targets such as children . How convenient. The term "valuables" can mean just about anything that is treasured and valued by another party.
So now you conveniently have switched your description of the term "valuables" to mean school children.
Sure some schools have armed security officers. In fact there was one at Parkland. But what did he do?. He literally ran away and hid in the bushes....Helps to explain why he had to move clean out of state just to protect his own well being.

Sure you could put even more in them. You might even be able to bring in National Guard personnel from the armory if one is nearby. There's almost always one or two there on a daily basis. The question would be...would they engage the shooter before he could kill kids or would they run away or go stand stand outside until the the shooting stops as we saw recently in Texas?


Well-Known Member
Oh so suddenly you've switched from valuables such as hard assets to soft targets such as children . How convenient. The term "valuables" can mean just about anything that is treasured and valued by another party.
So now you conveniently have switched your description of the term "valuables" to mean school children.
Sure some schools have armed security officers. In fact there was one at Parkland. But what did he do?. He literally ran away and hid in the bushes....Helps to explain why he had to move clean out of state just to protect his own well being.

Sure you could put even more in them. You might even be able to bring in National Guard personnel from the armory if one is nearby. There's almost always one or two there on a daily basis. The question would be...would they engage the shooter before he could kill kids or would they run away or go stand stand outside until the the shooting stops as we saw recently in Texas?
I didn’t switch it all I was drawing a parallel, I’m sorry you’re not capable of understanding. Your kids are more important than valuables, but probably not for you.

I think I already told you there’s no guarantees. Cowards are cowards. 🤷‍♂️

National guard LOL, nobody said that, most criminals won’t even approach a place where they know there’s even one armed security guard.

It’s good that you’re not in charge of any important things, because you have a very difficult time understanding anything. People with your level of understanding get people, hurt and killed.


Well-Known Member
L O L aren’t you the same person that was just castigating another person for whataboutism?
There is no whatboutism when it comes to full funding support for the public services you people demand. You guys are the ones demanding more public services buy say nothing about where the funding will be found to pay for these increased services.
You can't have it both ways.