At my center, as long as we are pt employees, they can put us wherever they want. If we are premium pay they must keep us as such, no matter where we work.
I've gone 'round and 'round with my steward about this because I've seen sign-up sheets for pt positions. He says they are not bid sheets but interest sheets and people are chosen by seniority and qualification to do the job.
If you have seniority and they need to send someone home you should have a right to go home. If you choose to stay you must take the work they have available.
Article 22, secton 4 of the new contract has interesting language concerning this sort of thing. It says "part time employees with six months or more seniority shall have the right to place their name on the list of employees waiting to be moved to a preferred job within their building. Such preferred jobs shall include, but not be limited to: preload, sorter, clerical, irregular traiin, designated responder, carwasher, loader and unloader. Employees do not have the right to select any specific unit, load or workstation unless a prior past practice has been established".
Now, right below that section, in bold print it says "Part time employees with less than 6 months seniority shall have the right to bid a preferred job prior to the employer hiring from off-the-street."
Hi DW, here in 705, we have the same language as the 02-08 NMA. That sentence they added would negate how I finally got out of loading. Early in 07 I tried to get my name on the "preferred jobs list", as the grapevine was telling me a clerk job might be opening. HR told me in fact they only kept a list for clerk jobs, other jobs were filled by full and part time mgmt. as they saw fit. Someone else got that job, my break didn't come til I saw the newest bulk driver had been put in that slot as a new hire. It took a local grievance panel decision to get me that job, even though it wasn't necessary to bump out that low seniority guy.
The word "bid" is not well used here. They say we can't bid but yet we can? I think it means that they will let lower seniority employees request preferred jobs but the word "bid" could really screw things up. I'm 710 and will make noise about this to the steward before talks begin.
Please go a step further and write to your BA and negotiating committees, with as many coworkers co-signing as possible, ASAP.
OK, now "unless a prior past practice has been established" Wow, antoher UPS grey area.
I believe "past practice" is a standard labor agreement clause, wouldn't worry about it to much, as it works both ways.
I've been around a long time and spent years on bullwork. Now I have a position that is a bit lighter and would hate to lose it. Can they put me where they want or is there an established practice of me being there? Two years seems established.
Sorry I've rambled but it seems they really can put us wherever they want. If they offer to let us go home and we turn it down we have to take what they have to offer. You could ask what you'd have to do if you stay and if it's bullwork, tell them you'll take the day off.