

Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
In case you didn’t know women need to collect milk throughout the day using bottles, and they shouldn’t be expected to do it in a dirty bathroom. Would you want your wife to do that? Why SHOULDNT this be in the contract? You make it seem as if the union the company have been arguing over this single article for days this was likely agreed-upon almost instantly.
Oh yeah, that was a top priority. For all 10 women who might do it.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
Lactation room will be a great place for the porter to shove extra pallets, supplies, cones, lost & found, filthy old uniforms. Pregnant wenches will go on massive maternity leave, then quit & go on fathers state mandated health coverage.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lactation room will be a great place for the porter to shove extra pallets, supplies, cones, lost & found, filthy old uniforms. Pregnant wenches will go on massive maternity leave, then quit & go on fathers state mandated health coverage.
So glad for you guys, finally got a lactation room. Who knew that was a priority?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Only two kinds of women that work at UPS... Those that quit, and those that eventually get hurt and quit.
That’s why it was a ridiculous gain. It takes time to express milk with the electric pump. Are the handful of women, if that, going to get a milking break? What about men? Don’t they lactate and menstruate these days?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Just because something isnt a top priority doesn’t mean we shouldn’t put it in the contract. Do you really think the company is going to hold lactation rooms over our head?
Waste of time. You may need it though. Grab a sip before work.