No1 Special
Long time listener, first time caller.
I think I started at $7.50 it was decent pay, but I was only there for the insurance.You got paid more than the news guys do.
I think I started at $7.50 it was decent pay, but I was only there for the insurance.You got paid more than the news guys do.
You will never be a RPCD........ sorry I stole that line.RPCD = MAN
You tell him genius.You seriously do not get it.
You're almost zero part-time jobs that offer paid medical and you get a pension from
Not even taking a consideration personal day sick days paid holidays and vacations
They all already have paid vacations, paid holidays, and free medical care, before they start at UPSYou tell him genius.
No, just show upAttendance bonus? Never heard of that before.
How does it work? Is it being on time or being to work every day?
All they get there is a coupon for a pack of newps.Franklin Park is $125. You're getting gypped. Jeff street?
C’mon man they got feelings to deal withHow come Gen Snowflake can't get to work everyday?
Retirement comes fast…seriously, this life comes and goes in the blink of an eye.Nor do most understand if they’re not going to school, or doing another trade this job can turn into something with a solid middle, to upper middle-class wage depending on where you live.
It’s a new world…you now have 25 year old tech people making 200,300k and 16 year old you tubers and tiktok “social influencers” making a million bucks….we’re the poors now!Well if they stick to that part-time job and go drive and they can make a hundred grand a year
Not bad for somebody that has no education
You can thank Denis “the negotiator” TaylorThe union negotiated wage wasn't competitive enough to retain employees so UPS had to offer enough of a bonus so they could run a skeleton sort.
Does it show up differently in your check? I've been working here for 3 months now and haven't noticed any odd payouts from hours. It might just be my hub.No, just show up
RetentioDoes it show up differently in your check? I've been working here for 3 months now and haven't noticed any odd payouts from hours. It might just be my hub.
Do you really think a bonus will get more delivery drivers to come to work everyday?The rotten bonus is still going on in our area. It's been going on for years now. Atleast they give it to every part timer now and not only to individuals based on their hire date. I believe every employee should get a bonus at this point for showing up to work. Not just part timers.
We don’t really have an issue with delivery drivers coming to work here. Partimers on the other hand is an epidemic lolDo you really think a bonus will get more delivery drivers to come to work everyday?