You're asking me why I personally would vote for the contract if I was a 9 year part timer waiting on a full time job knowing what I know? If I was in such a situation I would be voting for the contract and praying everyone else did. Knowing what I know seeing that our package volume dropped ten percent last month. Knowing that a recession is around the corner. knowing that a no vote on this offer will cause many shippers to get nervous and start diverting volume. Knowing fdx has the system capacity to handle this diversion and is pushing hard to help that diversion. Knowing all this I personally would be praying that there was not any more diversions that would make my wait any longer.
But thats my personal opinion on such a scenario. You should always gather all input from all sources and make your own decision based on what you feel is right and based on how much risk you're willing to take.
No....your view is still clouded by being in management no matter how you want to spin it.
It's pretty freaken common for management to tote the "volume" is down crap. Yet since the paper allowance and EDD came into play they somehow found a way to add more stops per car on us.
Volume is down...yet we were dispatched with a 24 car plan recently (Friday)with 11 going out in the red
It's like when we have our PCM's that the centers inbound is down and it's HAS to be do to the competition.'s not that we lost several large shipping accounts do to them moving to a state that treats it's business a bit better then VT?
Those customers didn't leave UPS they left our centers geographic coverage. The packages are still there just in a different place.
Until DHL stops hiring complete door knobs we have nothing to fear from them. They will always be able to get the customer that wants it as cheap as possible. No different then when they were Airborne.
FDX with it's formula just does not service the rural commercial and residential customers in a way that will ever win them huge national growth.
Right now FDXG is like the old UPS - "Oh...sorry I'm early today but I won't be back later. I'll take what you have, the rest can go tomorrow."
WHEN THOSE THINGS start changing is when we really need to be nervous.