WTF have you been reading.. Finding NEMO ?? It cant get better ?? Yes it can get better if it voted down the company will have to offer more either thru raises, or bonus', or something, crap even the Fn turkey ! What rewarding opportunities are you referring to , I dont think I skipped a page, so if you would be so kind to send me that one so I can read it again..Grow with the company ?? There goal is to get more with less... I have seen clerks with over 30 years loose their jobs because of the technology. Hell in feeders we have less sups, because they do virtual rides by sitting in a office.. Freedom to forge our career path? What the hell is that about. My GOD, were you in the Hale Bopp cult ? and drank the kool-aid and did not make it to the mother ship ?? Jeez, now I have see it all...