New tdu article on halt to ratification


Light 'em up!
The elected delegates that don't vote, can be stripped of their credentials and be

forced to reimburse their Local for wages, per diem, hotel cost, and plane tickets.

Let's not get too carried away.

Comparing an elected delegate, and his voting duty, to a member that doesn't vote is stretching it a little.

But I do get your point.

I have said this before. Shame on us.


Well-Known Member
So, can we get the constitution changed to amend the amout of or percentages used to ratify or defeat the nma. Use the total number of votes cast for or against a strike autherization as the base. If 50000 vote, then you need a simple majority of 50000 on the nma to pass or deny the proposal...just a thought.


Well-Known Member
You realize Hoffa kicked people off the negotiating committee right?
Thanks for the news flash.
Do you realize the NM committee was comprised of representatives elected by members.
All I'm saying is members need to vote. In local elections, on contracts, and for delegates to the Convention.
That's how accountability works.
Not sure why you're letting your anger cloud over facts.


Inordinately Right
All I'm saying is members need to vote. In local elections, on contracts, and for delegates to the Convention.
That's how accountability works.
They did, and the majority of voters shot down the proposed agreement.

And it's forced on them anyways.
That's how accountability works?


Well-Known Member
They did, and the majority of voters shot down the proposed agreement.

And it's forced on them anyways.
That's how accountability works?
I thought the no movement was going to show up. Like an 80-90% show up. It appears that many many members saw through their scare tactics and mistruths.