New Unloader/Loader


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It's loud mouth punks like you who are ruining this site!!

friend* off, Xmas is over and I'm back. Ready to get to work taking care of business that all you rim-necked slackjawed local yocals wouldn't or COULDN'T do. A whole lot of sht slipped thru the last couple of weeks and it's all your helpful self's fault.


Happy New Year, hope you had a good holiday season buddy!

Mr. Sir

Box slinger

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
friend* off, Xmas is over and I'm back. Ready to get to work taking care of business that all you rim-necked slackjawed local yocals wouldn't or COULDN'T do. A whole lot of sht slipped thru the last couple of weeks and it's all your helpful self's fault.


Happy New Year, hope you had a good holiday season buddy!
Hey Scooby! Happy New Year!

Yes, @Turdferguson im stealing another one! Lol.
I know everyone on here is probably sick of seeing all these new hire posts but I figured I would just give it a shot. I got hired as a loader/unloader last week and I have orientation this Tuesday and just had a few questions that I was hoping could get answered. Keep in mind these are questions that I thought HR would be hesitant to answer.

1. Is it possible to request days off?
2. Will the hub really fire people as it suggests on the forum?
3. Is the earn and learn program total bs?
I left a full time job to start UPS after years of redoing my online ap and being a helper. Of course, when they finally hired me, they "needed me to start the next day". I cashed out my 2 weeks vac from the other job, worked real hard, and then meekly asked my sup for 2 days to make a long weekend to visit family. 2+ years is a long time to wait to have a break.
My center only has tuition reimbursement for supervisors.


Well-Known Member

1. Is it possible to request days off?
2. Will the hub really fire people as it suggests on the forum?
3. Is the earn and learn program total bs?

#1- It's possible but give your boss notice well in advance. Also, your boss may inquire why you want the time off, your answer may also influence his response.
#2- Why wouldn't they? A lot of turnover at UPS, probably how you were hired.
#3- The earn and learn program generally is only for management. The union prefers its workers not to educate themselves.