Got the T-Shirt
My supplement states very clearly that we "are entitled to and required" to take this meal period.
If it doesn't fit your wants and perceived needs on this route, then bid another one, rather than attempt to create an exception that violates the contract.
One size does fit all, but you are the one who needs to find a spot to fit in, not the other way around.
It reminds me of the old adage "Be careful of what you wish for.... you might just get it."
I know of a Local in the Central where a pkg driver grieved being forced 30 minutes for lunch, arguing the
contract didn't specify the length/duration of the lunch period. The company agreed. They said as long as
he took a lunch (even if it was just a minute) they would consider that fulfilling the contractual requirement.
I'm sure everyone can imagine what happened next.
Yep.... they started cutting routes and loaded everybody up, and the drivers came in at about the same time
with having done more work. The driver thought he was so smart.... he had beat the company (and Union).