New Member
The package car for the route ive been running broke down. Problem is, is what it has been replaced with. So for the past three days I have been in a package car that has had NO INSPECTION STICKER on it at all. Informed center manager, on car sups., and even wrote it up on DVIR for mechanic the very first day. the mechanics response was to just keep it in the line up and have me take the risk of getting a ticket for no inspection sticker or worse have something go wrong with this hoopty. the kicker, is the reason I believe it doesn't have a sticker is because it has SO many problems it WOULDNT pass inspection if they tried. once, I can understand(short of trucks etc..) 2nd day wtf, third day Ive had it. Union seems to be useless in demanding management correct the problem. Management doesn't do anything about this, mechanics don't red tag it. Should I keep going out in a death trap of a truck with no inspection sticker on it(against the law in texas) or draw the line and refuse to drive it out of the building??? UPS = Safety First my ass... would love to know what you all would do... Thx!