I know I shouldn’t be surprised at this point, but your lack of understanding of how to run a business is remarkable. What good would it do me to lie to applicants? We do our best to scare them so they understand the job is difficult. We don’t want people that think it’s a walk in the , that wastes both of our time.
You're not running a business If you think you are then you've obviously made a few trips of you're own to the academy as well. It's Dan Sullivan's vision, Dan Sullivan's creation and here it is 35 years later and you're still chained to the task of executing the same directives set forth in Dan Sullivan's business plan. The only difference is that you're doing it for Fat Freddy because he absolutely OWNS you now . Right down to the license on your collar.
And as far as your recruiter? They're all the same. They accentuate the positive and minimize the negative because they get paid according to the number of human pelts they can put in their sack and haul back to the trading post.
Mark it up as "funny" if you want but that's all you can do because the die was cast many years before you came wondering into the building and all you're doing is extending the life Sullivan's of little scheme and how far into the future they can keep litigating the thing along is anybody's guess.