Northwest Heat Wave and UPS


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Yea but we are used to heat. Those snowflakes don't even have a/c. They must be keeling over! Lol
A place I just changed a condenser unit at told me the accountant didn't come to work the other day because it was too hot without AC. What a :censored2:in' spoiled little bawl baby.


Well-Known Member
Now the Northwest can get a taste of what the rest of us deal with. 95 here for the next 3-4 days.



nowhere special
A place I just changed a condenser unit at told me the accountant didn't come to work the other day because it was too hot without AC. What a *in' spoiled little bawl baby.
I read last week there was a shortage of A/C units. Even before this heat wave hit.