Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Staff member
Wow! Y'all got real medicine when you were sick? Closest thing to medicine that we got was Baby Aspirin. Cold--whiskey and honey. Upset stomach--baking powder. Anything else, suck it up, Baby. You guy must not have been poor. Lol.

Oh, we were poor. Just had a really good country doctor.

That stuff burned like hell. Think my mother would use extra on purpose.

My mother mixed it with a little warm water and sugar. Tasted like licorice.

Its a narcotic.

Opium, baby!

They take the fun out of everything. When they take the alcohol out of NyQuil, I'm done. I'll be moving to Mexico. I bet you can get EVERYTHING there.

Someday ask me for my NyQuil recipe!


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Well I have almost an hour til my next pick up. So I'm just going to sit here listen to waylon and shoot the :censored2: with you all until then.


golden ticket member
When I was a young girl (10 or 11) I remember going to the pharmacist at the local drugstore and buying a small envelope of sulphur...maybe a tablespoon's worth. We would mix it with Olive Oil and that was the old Italian remedy for the dog's mange or other skin irritations.
Just mix it to a paste and spread it on the affected area. It worked.

You could also buy cigarettes for your parents with a note from them.
Big Friday night for Ive. Woot woot!
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