Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Victory Ride
I reposted this....I think it deserves alot more love!lol


Well-Known Member
Just from your knowledge and work ethic that you have stated on here you r way above deserving it....and they are fools not to already have you in that position .....but thats the shadizzzzzdle at UPS!!!

Anyone can be whatever they want to be on an anonymous Internet forum.


That’s Craptacular
Just from your knowledge and work ethic that you have stated on here you r way above deserving it....and they are fools not to already have you in that position .....but thats the shadizzzzzdle at UPS!!!
Work ethic has little to do with seniority based postions. I see Voldemort has returned, desperately seeking attention. Someone call Harry Potter!
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