Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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You sell it when it goes up,hold on to the cash. When it goes back down you reinvest the proceeds into more silver . gold and silver are suckers bets..

Maybe sucker bets but at this point and until there is some kind of major crash, I am still WAY ahead of what I paid to get the silver from 1994-now. Besides, 10k oz is awfully hard to part with but I can't tell you how much it has killed me not to sell when it was $50oz

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Packs of vicious chickens kill several drivers a year...It's just not widely reported.
The chicken council doesn't let it get out
Don't screw with my roosters

The have huge Spurs

Watch yourself sucka
You needed some of those Happy Hen Treats. Lol.
He does
Chickens can be cannibals. They will pick stuff of the bones of others.

I've watched mine fight over liZards

We feed min table scraps

Including left over chicken

They like scrambled eggs the best
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